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Painful portaging

Jan 31, 2013
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In the mountains North of Montreal.
On day 2 which was also lake #2 I started to feel the sting of an insect bite on my right belt line. After supper I had a good look with my compass mirror and it looked like I had multiple bites. Sleeping the night was not too bad. The next day another portage (another lake) and things were starting to heat up along the belt line. Another look and it was spreading and ulcerating. I did not sleep very well that night as pain had started irradiating up my back to the neck and down my spine to the site of an old discectomy and spinal fusion. When I woke up on day 4 the problem had spread to my groin and scrotum. Time to get back home. Packed up, had a 30 km day with 2 painful portages and reached my car after dark. Shower at midnight and next morning waited for the doctor to open shop. Finally it is shingles I developed on this last trip. Doc says starting treatment on 5th day is not such good prospects. Being 81 and never had an infection or organic health problem (but lots of broken bones, torn ligaments, etc) I was surprised at this. So maybe if you are over 60 and are going out into the woods for some time maybe consider a Shingles vaccine.

Be safe,

That sounds horrible, Gerald. Many of our “mature” friends get a shingles shot, but Kathleen and I have yet to do so. We have read that the older a person is, the less effective the shot becomes. Is that your understanding?
Gerald - Thanks for the advice but I'm way ahead of you. After seeing what shingles did to my cousin, I got the vaccine. At 67, I'm not looking to endure a round of that. There's enough out there trying to make our lives miserable. At least shingles can be prevented if you don't mind the needle.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time..be well.

Gerald, I hope that you feel better soon.

Three years ago when the age recommendation for the shingle vaccine was still age 60 or older I had an appointment at the VA a few weeks before I turned age 60 and was told that I'd have to wait until my actual birthday. Sure enough I got shingles the next week. Whether the vaccine would have taken hold that fast I don't know but after seeing what I went through Nancy got her vaccine as soon as the age recommendation dropped to age 50. As soon after that bout as I could get vaccinated I did so.

And when the the "new" vaccine using two spaced out shots came along and it was recommended that all people get the new vaccine even if they had the older one I was at the head of the line at the VA for them. I dang sure don't want to do though that again.

Best regards to all,

PaddlingPitt said:
We have read that the older a person is, the less effective the shot becomes. Is that your understanding?

That seems to be the general consensus.

They also say that once you have had it, they never come back. However we know a lady who has had it at least twice.

Some doctors prescribe a low dose of anti-virals for life to avoid recurrences.

Besides the anti-viral medication my doc has me on 6 mg of vitamin C and 6000 i.u. of D3 daily (taken with meals).

Apparently if treated from day 1 the prognosis is very good, the later one waits the more difficult it is to treat. In my case we started treatment in day 5.

Had the vaccine as well, but for any who got one ...know that it isn't 100% [protection, I think it is considerably lower than that. But it is a chance to avoid the pain.

Shingles is no fun at all! I developed shingles prior to my necessary knee surgery which the knee pain prevented sleep for weeks. A run down immune system and up pops the shingles. It is painful. Sorry to hear that you experienced this on your trip. I sincerely hope the condition is improving as I wouldn't wish the shingles on my worst enemy. Get well!
I get that shingles can be debilitating.
I had a small outbreak two years agonand did not want a next one that I was sure would be bigger
The first wasnt bad.
So after the first shingles shot I broke out in hives and difficulty breathing
Never went back for shot two
I will take my chances
Hope you are feeling better Gerald. Aging brings a host of challenges. Today I was at the hospital getting cardio-version electric shock to reset the heart rhythm. It seems like there is always some new challenge. Going out there is too important to give up. I am determined to continue even though it sometimes involves some pain. It is a conscious decision, to decide to endure the pain and still get to go. Best wishes for speedy recovery and some painless portages.
Our doctor recommended a shingles vaccination a couple years ago. After hearing of a friend's painful experience with this affliction my wife went straight away to get her shot. I however procrastinated, and never did go to get mine. She thinks we'll be due to bring our vaccinations up to date when we turn 65 (soon), and that includes the shot for shingles. In any case I'll get the jab.
Heal well Gerald and take care.
i got the older vaccine as recommended by my doc at whatever age it was, 60ish I think. A couple of years later I got the rash anyway, didn't know what it was, thought I was allergic to something, but the doc knew instantly upon looking at me, though it wasn't a terrible case as they go. I'm told that the old vaccine was only 30% effective. Gee, thanks. When the new/improved version of the vaccine came out, I got that. So far, so good.
Ouch! I had no idea it can come on that fast. I hope you get some relief and recover quickly. My wife had it once. It lasted for several months before it cleared up.
Wow, I hope you are on the mend Gerald, sounds pretty high up there on the suffering scale.

I was only around 40 when I got my first bout. I had gone out and cleared a two kilometre port by myself. Went through 8 tanks of gas in the chainsaw, was at it for several hours, and didn't drink much water. On the paddle back to my truck, my entire body cramped. It was quite a thing, arms, stomach, legs. I was in my solo canoe, had neglected to put my life jacket on, and realized that if I went over I was going to sink like a stone. Eventually I made it back to the truck. Two days later, I lost feeling in my shoulder and developed a little rash there. Went to the Doc, he told me I had shingles. The rash wasn't bad, but the lack of feeling in my shoulder area lasted for months.

Funny thing, my buddy and I cleared that same port this summer. Eight tanks of gas again, but kept hydrated this time. Think I will get the vaccine.
Your feedback to my original post is informative. I never would have thought that even at a much younger age it is possible to get shingles. That some of you went through quite an ordeal and for others it was of lesser potency. As well as the vaccine which may not be the definite answer.

I'm now starting my second week of treatment. The ulcers are showing signs of starting to dry up. Pain to the lower back has subsided a bit but when I shiver my whole left side hurts.The hours between 4 and 7 pm seem to be the worse.

Can't wait to get back to where I was before health wise.

Thanks everuone and please be careful.
