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Our friend Brad seems missing.....

Jul 25, 2012
Reaction score
It's been some time now since I've had the pleasure of reading anything from Brad. It's funny, although I so enjoy reading his thoughts, I don't know how to contact him or even his last name. I did send him a PM but no answer.

Now I assure you all that I'm not stalking him, but only would like to be sure he's alright, and of course I'd be tickled if he would find his way back here. He has such a way with words.

If anybody has a line on how I can reach him please contact me via PM. If someone has his e-mail address but your not sure he'd want it given out, PM me and I'll give you mine and you can ask him if he wants to contact me.

I'd hate to think that any of us could go missing and nobody would make an effort to find them.

Best Wishes, Rob
He may have become discouraged with the new forum model. I wasn't posting much of anything at first because it was really buggy. It's much better now though, thank you.

Either that or he's taking a nice long trip in Algonquin... but it seems it's been longer than one would take a vacation for.

Unfortunately, on the net, and on forums, people do come and go... sometimes never to return. The reasons could be many, but I doubt they are truly lost - I'm sure there are people closer to them than we are that can search them out.

As for me, I usually get banned for getting too feisty. I've yet to here, but maybe someday I'll say the wrong thing to the wrong person, and poof, I'll be gone too!
There is always the computer issue, as in, the computer died and he has no access. Not everyone can just run out and buy a new one.
True. Happened to me last month. I didn't want to buy a new one, but I did... could have thought of a lot better ways to spend my money
Hi friends. Thanks for the kind and friendly words Rob, you humble me. I was indeed having computer / Vbulletin compatibility issues. Despite IT John’s techno sagacity, and my own techno newbism we weren’t able to sort it out. Log in problems meant I was stuck outside looking in.
Not long ago I was walking in the wee hours down some old city streets. The soft amber streetlight raked garish shadows across ancient walls and down the cobbled street ahead of me, daring me to continue. So I did. Around the next bend I came upon a tiny restaurant. Sitting forgotten on the patio table were a pair of empty wine glasses and an unfinished bottle of wine. I approached the establishment to see if by chance it might be still open at that late hour. The indoor lights and party noise flooded out from the restaurant window and splashed across my feet. As I debated what to do, a young couple emerged from the shadows arm in arm, and swept into the party. My mind made up, I decided I wanted to be a part of this party, but when I tried the old iron handle the door wouldn’t budge. I pushed and pulled, but the door refused to move. I watched the party for awhile from the sidewalk.
“So this is what it feels like to be outside looking in.” And then I remembered years before, another city and another time. My best friend and I were having a boys’ night out. In our favourite downstairs bistro bar we were buying rounds, telling tales and shooting pool. Around closing time (3 am in that part of the world) we burrowed into our coats, there was a winter storm outside, and made for the door. The bartender caught us and locked the door. With his meaty hands slapping our backs he ushered us back to our bar stools “We are staying inside tonight! Okay?” Ah ha. A private after hours party! It was fun. The tales got taller, the jokes got funnier, and strangers became friends. No one was drunk, mean or nasty. Soon enough we climbed back into our winter coats and trudged up through the city homewards. We were cold sober but feeling warm. It had felt good to be inside looking out.
IT John has some good advice for me to try, but just last night I decided to try signing in under an alter ego. New user name, new password, even a new date of birth. For some weird reason I couldn’t use my “old DOB”. If I’d been a quicker thinker I could’ve shaved 10 years off of me! Instead I’m a month older?! Anyway, you can call me Brad, Odyssey or a pain in the *. Anything is fine. All I know is, it feels good to be inside again.
Now, who’s round is it?
Well for goodness sakes! Welcome back, or in or something! Dang, Brad the site just didn't feel right without you. Now let me get this straight: Does all this dancing around make you "born again"?

In a little bit I'm sure I'll have something to blab about but right now I'm just happy you've got back!

Your friend, Rob

P.S. There was a dark suspicion that you might have caused another international incident with Finland and were still in traction in hospital.
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Well Brad I hope you didn't have to enroll in the Witness Protection Program:cool: How can we fix your post count? Do you get a new canoe for all your troubles? Golly your experience reminds me of when I was stuck in a hotel elevator for twenty minutes. Despite alarm bells, that time seemed like an eon when nobody came.
Well, how about that! I thought you were somewhere in the middle of Algonquin, or in the middle of a bear in the middle of Algonquin. Glad you are back!
... you can call me Brad, Odyssey or a pain in the *. Anything is fine. All I know is, it feels good to be inside again.
Now, who’s round is it?

I'd call you a good writer. And I'll buy the first round.
Rob, under my old alias, I was fast approaching west coast Rob's post tally. You've won...what?...A fish (it'd better be cured and smoked if it's still in the mail), a bent tent peg (do they make straight ones?) and a cracked canoe paddle (knowing your mastery, it won't stay cracked for long). I don't know what the next prize is, but I'm going for It! I'm on post # 2 and ready to blabber up a storm.
Thanks Mihun. I followed your first solo, and am impressed by your and Christine's paddling partnership and fortitude. In my books, your first solo was a complete success.
YellowC, if I were to need witness protection a) I'd forget what I'd witnessed by the time they asked me my name B) they couldn't invent an identity any lower key than the life I'm leading now. And yeah, I don't like elevators either. I keep feeling the urge to push that red HELP button, just cause it's there. My wife complains when I blurt out "Under garments!" "Men's wear!" at every floor level. Remember those old store elevators?
No Algonquin this year memaquay. We are planning Superior and Temagami in the fall. Wish us luck! Oh! And I followed your furry green bacon experience. You made my morning coffee come out my nose.
Superior in the fall? Back to that Blowing in the Wind thread... the Gales of November photo workshop is there for a reason.

We're setting paddle on Superior but it will be July 29 to whenever we run out of food.
Welcome back Brad, sorry about the issues with your computer and vBulliten, it was almost like this new system not only told me it was in charge, it's taking Brad just to show it meant business.
Glad your back, I'll check out the post count thing and see what I can do...haha, probably end up deleting you, UGH. (nice story about being on the outside looking in too)
Thanks Gavia. You're a gentleman. I'll have whatever you're having.
YC We're due to visit the Soo for a birthday bash over the Labour Day week end. Afterwards I wanted to explore the Lake Superior PP canoe routes. They'll be short I know. We only have a week. No big water and wind for us.
No worries Robin. I was swearing like a mad sailor, but trying to stay calm when I Emailed you and John. My wife took the brunt of it. As usual. She just rolls her eyes and says " So, you're throwing a tantrum cause you can't play with your friends?" Fire dowsed quickly. Don't worry about the post count thing. I'm gonna play cagey. Lull OM into a false sense of security, and then BAM! I'll hit a gajillion! By the way, what's the prize for a gajillion? Please don't say fish.

ps Robin, you need a little holiday from this internet trouble shooting stuff. I hope you've got a trip planned this year.
In all humility, may I point out that I have rescued Brad and brought him back home? I believe the going rate for a successful internet limbo rescue is fifty points, but I'm willing to settle for thirty, given that he's slightly used.

No worries Robin. I was swearing like a mad sailor, but trying to stay calm when I Emailed you and John. My wife took the brunt of it. As usual. She just rolls her eyes and says " So, you're throwing a tantrum cause you can't play with your friends?" Fire dowsed quickly. Don't worry about the post count thing. I'm gonna play cagey. Lull OM into a false sense of security, and then BAM! I'll hit a gajillion! By the way, what's the prize for a gajillion? Please don't say fish.

ps Robin, you need a little holiday from this internet trouble shooting stuff. I hope you've got a trip planned this year.

I was kind of mulling over if you wanted your comeback name to be "peeping Tom".. but maybe no..
For some unexplained reason my wife M finds the description "slightly used" funny. At this minute she's demurely chortling while dabbing at her spilled tea stain down the front of her blouse. It's rather unsettling. Does M think me under used? Or maybe old and worn out? She won't say. It's one of those domestic mysteries I'll just have to work out for myself. It'll probably wind up with me doing more stuff around here. Washing her car. Mowing the lawn. Doing some laundry. "Slightly used" is starting to make a little sense to me now.
Anyway, Rob you disappoint me. While your mercenary zeal for acquiring post count points impresses me, your haggling down to a mere 30 seems a bit hasty. Only 30? M might have something to say about that. Likely more laughing. More doing stuff.
Why am I feeling like Tuco in the movie The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, and you're sounding like Blondie? When and if I'm ever worth 3,000 are you gonna just leave me out there? It seems only fair you share some of the bounty with me. Partners? I won't ask too much, or else it may affect your aim.