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Original Bug Shirts For Sale - Used

Mar 3, 2014
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I have two used Original Bug Shirts - both "Elite" in the microfiber material sandstone color. One is LA and one is XX, (large and xxlarge). I dropped from 275Lbs. down to 175Lbs. A shadow of my former self. Lost more weight than a 17' Old Town Tripper! I have a new lease on life! So, one of the downsides is I have to spend a lot of money on new clothes. I now wear size medium. I just ordered my new Original Bug Shirt. I love these bug shirts. They are very comfortable and effective.

These are both in fine shape. The XL has been to some very cool places far up north and has kept me safe from the swarms! It has been on shores of the arctic ocean. So, it has that going for it! The XXL has just one trip in Maine. Both are perfect functionally and very good - excellent cosmetically. Freshly laundered and very clean. $36.50 each plus shipping. A new one is $73 plus shipping. So, half price.

Here is the manufacturer's web site: http://www.bugshirt.com/products/elite/
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If you ever gain that 100 pounds back and need to sell off your smaller clothing let me know.

Congrats on the weight loss. It must feel like walking on air after dropping 100 pounds!

I've never worn a bug shirt, although a few of the kids have tried them. The bugs are usually pretty thick in town, often worse than in the bush, we just kind of get used to them.
Although I don't need another bug shirt, I most certainly admire your weight loss. A former bigger guy myself (dropped 75 and regained 25 as I was too skinny for my health), I know it is quite an accomplishment as well as a life altering change in many ways. Buying a new wardrobe is a pretty good trade off for the "new you". Congratulations!
Thanks for that. I promise it was not my intent to fish for compliments. But you are correct it is life altering and in a good way. It is just a matter of finding the right frame of mind. That is the hard part. Once you get in the right mental place its really not hard if you have the right program. I landed on a great program with lots of support. Now comes the really hard part - long term weight maintenance. The new wardrobe - outdoors stuff and otherwise - is my way of rewarding myself. No more food related rewards.

I am going on a trip in the Yukon this summer which will offer incredible paddling and hiking opportunities and for the first time in a very long time I will be physically able to do it all with relative ease - hiking more than an hour was out of the question for me before I lost this weight.