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One year of canoe abuse

Alan Gage

Super Moderator
Staff member
Jun 12, 2014
Reaction score
NW Iowa
It's been almost exactly one year since the doctor gave me the go ahead to start using my back again. First thing I did was take all the canoes out of the shed and then tear it down to start on the new shop. Figured they'd be back inside after a few months. As usual things took longer than expected and the shop didn't get finished up until the middle of winter (which isn't where the canoes will live) and I didn't get things moved out of the garage until this spring and then I procrastinated another couple months until today I finally made room, built racks, and got the canoes put back inside again. Feels good.




Only the Royalex Penobscot is still outside. I think it will stay there.



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Alan, left to right in the first photo, what canoes are those? I’m especially curious about the long, lean hull furthest left.
Alan - There must be something in the air because I'm finally going to get around to doing the same thing in my barn. I need to stack my boats so I can get them off of the numerous saw horses they're on and open up the interior of the barn. Thanks for your photos. They'll be a nice guide.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

Alan, left to right in the first photo, what canoes are those?

AGX, Barrens, Bloodvein, Solo 14, and Barracuda.

Those names won't mean much. More info on each below:






I’m especially curious about the long, lean hull furthest left

That was the first canoe I ever designed. It's 18.5' long and quite fast but much more stable than a racing C1 and Sadie fits in the bow. I hardly ever paddled my racing C1 canoes as I felt bad about leaving Sadie at home. This canoe was a perfect fit (literally and figuratively).

When moving canoes this weekend I realized I've almost reach my goal of only having canoes I've designed and built myself. The Barracuda is the only boat in the fleet I didn't design* but I did build it. It's a really sweet boat for day paddles and at only ~30 pounds it makes it easy to carry it down the driveway and drop it in the water across the road on the spur of the moment.

*Obviously I didn't design or build the royalex Penobscot but I'm not counting that boat because everyone needs an old $300 beater.

It always hurts me to see canoes sit out side especially strippers. Glad to see them inside. Looking forward to seeing the place !
I've got to make it up there soon. I have epoxy for you.

Thanks for those links Alan. I didn't recognize the solo 14 Grasshopper. I don't remember it turning green. And I love it. I still really like the volume and wonder at it's tripping abilities. Nice to see you're pulling your plan together. There was never any doubt.
Thanks for those links Alan. I didn't recognize the solo 14 Grasshopper. I don't remember it turning green. And I love it. I still really like the volume and wonder at it's tripping abilities. Nice to see you're pulling your plan together. There was never any doubt.

I'm glad you enjoyed them, Brad. I enjoyed skimming through some of them as well. Most interesting to me were the Barracuda build, just after I'd built my shop and was getting serious about building canoes, and the Grasshopper where I was about done experimenting with building and then suddenly sold my house and had a big rush job at the end to get it out of the shop so I could move. Now I haven't done any canoe work for about 3 years but I again find myself in a recently completed shop and am thinking about another couple hulls I'd like to build this winter.

I took Grasshopper out for a little paddle last night. It's a nice hull. Fun little boat for lazy paddling. A bit too turny though when I feel like paddling harder. But that's ok because I didn't feel like paddling harder last night. I need to travel to some bigger moving water and try it out there since that's what it was really intended for. I think it would make a nice tripping hull too but probably not while Sadie is still around. Not enough room for everything+dog.



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