• Happy National Rocky Road Day! 🪨 🇪 🛣️🍨

Oh Canada!....

Feb 14, 2013
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....Thanks for the fine weather. We've been enjoying it immensely. I think it will be a while before we can make a boat go anywhere on water, but the skiing is great!
The skiing as been great up here also, even if we could use a bit more snow!! Fat biking is also fantastic!!
Have a great winter!
You are welcome... I think. Blizzard Warning finally ended this morning. 12" of snow overnight pushed on 40mph winds. Anyone got a tractor? Cannot get out of the driveway!
Wait a cotton pick'n minute.....the storm we are in the middle of at this moment is said to be a Colorado Low! Last time I checked, Colorado was not yet a province of Canada.
If the storm that blew through here was on any other day it would have resulted in mass closure of stores schools and services. But every thing was closed and the whole neighbourhood was out shovelling yesterday. We got a real good dump of snow that's for sure
What's mine is yours, yours is mine, and then it's yours again...These colliding air masses of cold and wet, mellow and b*tchy sure get passed along more than a flu bug in winter. Whoever's responsible for our snow in early December I thank you. Whoever the joker is who passed a wet mild and soppy streak of rain to us this week, well it feels like a wet willie, and no thanks, it ain't funny.
But I'll hold no grudges. I'll just pass it along.
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We have an Alberta Clipper due tomorrow, more snow and wind. It may make it's way to Southern Ontario but not likely get up to G'town as it heads East.
This is getting a little unreal. We already had record snowfall and snowpack in the valley, and now it's hitting us again . 5" in three hours, and counting. Big silver dollar snowflakes, thick as Montana mosquitoes. At least the temps went up from the -19f of last week...
We got another 4 inches last night with more on the way. Winnipeg had it's second snowiest December on record. Windchills around -40 the next couple of days and then a warming trend for the weekend, nudging towards plus temps.
-24F with a -50F windchill this am, following yesterdays 5 hour blizzard that closed every highway around Winnipeg.

Long range forecast, next Thursday, 34F, which would be +1C.
Spent a few weeks after Christmas at my cabin at the top of MN. Glad to hear you will be warming up as my trip video will becalled "Holed up at 30 Below."
Winnipeg at -34C ... a vid from Global News, now that looks cool.


You get used to it. This is my 8th Winter in Manitoba, originally from Southern Ontario.

This is my 11th winter in Northern Alberta and quite frankly I enjoy -40 in Edmonton a lot more than i did -10 in Toronto! And I'm a Land Surveyor so spend lots of time outside...
Here the cold is just that: cold. No moisture or humidity in the air and the sun warms you up. You can dress for it. And the snow is light, dry and fluffy.
Southern Ontario, the dampness just seeps through anything you're wearing and the snow is heavy, gloppy stuff.

Much as i miss paddling, I love winter!


Southern Ontario, the dampness just seeps through anything you're wearing and the snow is heavy, gloppy stuff.

Great Lakes moisture adds to the dampness at times... if the lakes to the north and west, Huron and Erie, aren't frozen over, wind picks up moisture which creates lake effect snow if the temps are right. Usually it's a north or west wind that causes this in places like Barrie, Collingwood and Buffalo.

I happened to be at the Toronto waterfront when Lake Ontario was creating lake effect snow... temps at about -10C so the snow stayed dry. A little unusual with low snow clouds coming off the lake with bright blue skies up above. Nice evening, esp since the cold temps and wind meant that most others stayed inside or in their cars. No, that's not me below doing selfie photography...

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We are having a fantastic winter, more snow than we have had in several years. Only problem is I've had this dang man cold since Dec 28, and it is really cramping my style. Anyway, today I'm gonna skidoo from my place out to a little lake to try to hack out a campsite for my new snowtrekker.....hope t get out in it within the next week or two.
So, it warmed up for a couple days - just long enough for the plows to pile everything to the side of the road and settle. Back to low teens and twenties (F), and now it's like slippery concrete. Really makes throwing railroad switches a challenge, so work has been an adventure. Ice and snow accumulation has caused my locomotive to derail twice in thelast couple weeks. More to come yet. Yay.