• Happy National Rocky Road Day! 🪨 🇪 🛣️🍨

No matter what happens.....

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The U.S. and the world will soldier on either way. Business as usual. I'll rail against either of them while they're in office.
Not sure if we can talk politics here, but watching the election results on CNN in the States got me thinking about Rob Ford.

Remember him? Millionaire spoiled brat who captured the anger and resentment of the ordinary folks in the outskirts/suburbs of the city of Toronto toward the "bicycle-riding" "pinko" "downtown elites" and their "gravy train." He was sexist and arguably racist and had no filter on what came out of his mouth. Sound familiar? Logic, facts, data...all were useless in the face of gut feelings and generalizations. The candidate running against him was politically well-connected with the ruling party in the province, had been a minister in that government, was tainted by a scandal, took victory in the city election for granted and ran an uninspiring campaign. Ford beat him handily.

If Trump in fact wins (looks more likely now--11pm EST), I hope it goes better for you than the big-talking under-performing gong show we had for a while up here under Ford's "leadership". After Ford's implosion, (and his stepping-down due to a cancer diagnosis), at the next election the city ended up voting in a kind of anti-Ford: a guy whom nobody really loved, but most people thought might be boring, stable, and competent.

Best of luck, whatever the outcome. Long term, I'm not too worried. The US is pretty resilient. (It better be! My investment portfolio depends on it! :)
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The Dow futures collapsed
So did our retirement

and the environment is about to go to he** in a handbasket. And its going to affect more beyond the borders. Life will not be status quo. I do think the Donald will be more moderate than the campaign rhetoric led us to believe.. I didn't vote for him but that's how democracy works. I do think he will listen. That said I am still nervous about his rolling back EPA protections..

I am so far wrong on the stock market and that is fine.. I think we can have a real campfire about this without people spearing their paddles at others. I'm not liking the violence I see on TV. Of course in New England we are almost in Canada(that might be a bad thing for Canadians?)
On a totally unrelated note NAFTA has gotten me out of paying duty on boats I buy in Canada.. I don't want to see that go away
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I didn't like either candidate, nor their platforms, or lack thereof.
My portfolio just took a big hit, in time it ( MDB and I ) will be fine.
The local economy (greater capital district; Albany, NY) is strong, my rental properties provide plenty of inflation proof income, and should continue to do so.

As stated above, the US is resilient, the country will be fine...
but the potential for long term redirection of the supreme court truly concerns me.
My wife is moving all the college tuition money into her daughter's bank account in Canada today just in case.
I'm packing to get out once more this week or next. My own form of political disobedience as all but three rivers in Kansas are deemed non navigable. Hopefully I don't get arrrested or I might be seeking out some legal funding.
I am surprised and disappointed.
Once my knee heals up I'll start training for next summer. Maybe I'll catch a fish!
I am breaking rules. I am supposed to get one comment but Jcavenaugh what is your knee doing to you? I had replacement surgery and am working on that knee working again
Had my rt medial meniscus trimmed for the second time. I have a fracture in the lateral condyle too, but it just has to heal on its own.
I wish I was actually 29 like I think I am in my brain....
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I (and all of my family) voted for Trump. I'm very happy with the results of the election and I wish the President elect and our Country all the best. I know this is not the most popular point of view in the modern paddling community, probably why I mainly solo.
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