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New Paddle

Nov 30, 2017
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I have given up on finding a new-to-me canoe for my upcoming trip to La Verendrye. Instead, I have purchased a new paddle: ZRE Medium 12 degrees carbon fiber which comes in several weights; mine is 10 ounces. It is amazingly light. I got a factory second and it is still very expensive, but less than the cost of a new canoe. I've had it out in my little pond and it paddles very nicely, and definitely has more power with less effort than my current paddle which I dearly love and have had for some 30 years but weighs 1 pound more. For the boat, I am borrowing Brad's 14' Mohawk solo which does handle well in wind and waves and is very tough.

Also, does anyone know the phone number for the main "office" at Le Domaine? The websites are totally confusing to me as far as how to reach them by phone. The one phone number I did find for La Verendrye was not correct. It isn't critical that I call ahead, just would be nice. My plans are flexible.

My plan is to paddle in the Circuit 77 area, although I will most likely go on tangents into off-circuit areas and may just go out and back, or out and around a different way. Departure is mid-August.



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A friend has one and I got to try it out once. It was pretty windy out and on each stroke the wind would want to pull it out of my hands due to it being so light i thought. I ended up buying a Mitchell double bent which I love, very comfortable to use.

You do need to keep a firm grip in the wind. Never felt it was a problem between strokes but need to be careful when switching sides that you've got a good grip with one hand before letting go of the other. I sure do like mine.

Good to know about the wind possibly blowing the paddle away. That would not be good. :eek: I will also have a double bladed paddle for strong winds and waves....or will just wait it out. :)
I am not fond of paddling double-bladed. The movements don't seem to sit well on my body. Still, to make progress in a head wind, the double blade is helpful.
I never knew a paddle could be too light. Paddling 40-45 strokes a minute, hour after hour, you can not have too light a paddle.

Any minor inconvenience handling a too light paddle in the wind is easily overcome when paddling all the miles in between those windy days.

I have three different weights of ZRE paddles and never considered too light as being a handicap.
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Have you tried these numbers? 1-819-435-2331 and 1-888-435-2331

You can't go wrong with 77, nice circuit. I have been on this circuit or parts of it maybe 5 different times and never get tired of it. I never had an issue with wind on Lac Cawasachouane either, but was wind bound a day and 1/2 on Grand Lake Victoria.

I know nothing about ZRE paddles, just good old ash beavertails to get me out and back ;)
I wouldn't worry about contacting Le Domaine ( at the desk they do have a phone) unless you need a shuttle or gear as nothing else is reservable.. You pick your trip and go.
I like 77 too . I put in on Grand Lake Victoria and did that 1545 portage through the blueberries ( which will be gone now)>. It was muddy when I did it ought to be fine now. I suggest anticlockwise as there is an esker that is a steep down between Lac Graham and Lac Chef. Its s steep uphill the other way before it hits the logging road.
I did it solo in six days. It could have been faster but for a day of severe thunderstorms.
Thanks for the tips, yellowcanoe. I didn't feel obsessive about contacting them, just thought it would be preparing better.

I have done that portage as well, but this time, I am thinking about going north up Grand Lac Victoria and curling around to the south then through Riviere des Outaouais, or up and north there is some smaller water that goes up and around. That may go out of the park and I am not sure if that is a problem or not. Still poring over maps, one of my favorite activities.

I really liked the southern part of 77, but I am not sure I am up to all those portages. Or I might just veer off into some of those bays and inlets and see what is there.