• Happy National Rocky Road Day! 🪨 🇪 🛣️🍨

More time on the Middle Branch Oswegatchie (Adirondacks)

Conk - As always, a wonderful set of photos and travelogue. Thanks for bringing us along. You may paddle & camp solo but there are a lot of similar souls "traveling" with you on each adventure via your posts.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time....be well.

I don't see any trip report or photos at that link, and didn't for your previous one either, Conk. The link just takes me to your Facebook cover page, or whatever it's called, obscured by a big box nagging me to sign up. Can you make your canoe trip stuff public? Assuming you want to.
I don't see any trip report or photos at that link, and didn't for your previous one either, Conk. The link just takes me to your Facebook cover page, or whatever it's called, obscured by a big box nagging me to sign up. Can you make your canoe trip stuff public? Assuming you want to.

Sorry you cannot access my album, you're missing some good stuff. I've made all my adventure albums public on Face Book but apparently, FB needs to know who you are to be truly public. I would like to have a hosting site like I've had in the past. Two of them have come and gone leaving me with nothing. I am not at all savvy at making anything happen with a computer. Some day, maybe I'll find the help I need, until then Face Book is my only option. My fault not yours.
Went to FaceBook to view your wonderful photos. Looks like a fantastic trip and really enjoyed a great set of pictures. Thanks for sharing!