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LaVerendrye video

Jun 12, 2012
Reaction score
Appleton, Maine
I found this on Vimeo, nice solo trip but the bugs where an issue I guess. Interesting canoe, I wonder if it's the lens or does it really have that much rocker?
And I never saw that build type. What does it have on the outside, looks like planking but how would it remain water tight?
Looks like a fish eye lens on the camera which distorts edges and a stripper enveloped in glass and epoxy.. Video isnt playing well for me but I will check later.

Brings back memories.. Every La V trip I take has cold and wet! But its so pretty and better than BWCA or Algonquin,
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Thanks for the reminder Robin.
I haven't been to LaV in a few years and am overdue for a solo trip.
Sometime this July I should head into the backcountry and bushwack a route that I've been looking at for years and done nothing about.
YC, yes, definately a fish-eye. In a few places a straight item appears to bend when moved out of the center of the frame.

Time to start planning.
Cheers Ted
Not really a stripper. Looks like a traditional planked wood canoe with ribs and half ribs but fiberglassed.. Might look better with a painted exterior.
I'll head into LaV in July. But no whacking for me. I like nice strolls.

No no trips till I write up the past two. That might happen Fri
Shearwater said:

"Time to start planning."

I knew this video would get some folks thinking, hard to stay away from such a nice paddling area!
Based on the seats and seat drops it looks like Bastien Bros w/c. No bow lines on the truck out on the road? sheesh. It has half ribs too.

Cannot watch it, the buffering is driving me nuts, get 2 seconds and it stops, another 2 seconds, argh.
Yeah, the b-b-b-buffering drove me n-n-n-nuts. But that's nice country, so I was determined to watch it. Interesting camera angles, and even an underwater view! He had it all. Bugs. Rain. Sun. Thanks for finding this Robin. It looked a nice trip.
I just watched it again, no buffering here, must be the time of day and traffic? At 3:18 it shows planking on the outside, but it must be covered in clear fiberglass rather than canvas and 3 keels.
Very pretty video and paddling area. Langford Canoe makes a series of cedar planked / glassed canoes as part of their Classic Cedar Line. Looks like their 16' Legacy model also has half ribs and similar woven seat. Always wondered about this style of construction because it isn't glassed on the inside. Once saw one of these in Pam Wedd's shop at Bearwood Canoe. Recall there was lots of rot because only the exterior hull was glassed. They are eye catching to look at when brand new, I suppose.
Tech issue: When I click on the video to play it, it disappears. Could you possibly post a link to the Vimeo page where the video lives? I'd love to see it.