• Happy National Rocky Road Day! 🪨 🇪 🛣️🍨

Just an observation

There are a few of us who are crazy enough to want to be out on the water year round, when and where possible.

Hard water has it's own rewards and the camping can be enjoyable, after a fashion, in a hot tent. Food tastes better, the night skies are darker, the coy dogs howl louder and the put-ins are not crowded (or often plowed). Not too many skeeters or dastardly black flies either...

I enjoy both, at least for the time being.
Just took a two day overnighter down Panther Creek and into Calling Panther Lake. Having trouble transferring pics from camera to computer but hope to have something up soon. Doc.
I still enjoy the water when it's hard, or semi hard anyway. One of my favorite activities is backcountry skiing. Skin up, ski down, repeat!
But with the poor weather (read: little natural snow), I might be found in the boat shop building another canoe...
I love these short winter days with the nice flat light. I cross-country ski most every day three miles, just so my Border Collie get his daily dose of exercise. Doesn't seem to be hurting me either. I also go ice fishing once or twice a week. I know a little pond that winter kills every year, I try to catch of as many of those stocked rainbows as I can prior to Feb. to save them from a the slow death, plus they are tasty. The ice was 30 inches thick last Wed. No match for my folding Ice auger from Finland that my Swedish friend Bjorn gave me this fall. Reading books or the Forum takes care of the dark parts of the day. Life is good, even better now that I don't have to get up in the morning and go to work.
We don't have the winter we use to when I moved up here 20 years ago, like right now, 0c and warming up... It sucks... I like -10c to -40c all winter long. Especially like the steady 25 30 bellow... anyway, life is good in the winter months... But I miss the paddling too!!
Snowshoeing and swimming in the heated campground pool. There is a reason for car campgrounds.. Knee is three months after TKR and not ready quite for skiing. Our lake is useful for snowshoeing but there is a layer of ice on top of snow that makes breaking through unpleasant. I ought to ice fish.
Recovering from heart surgery thesE past couple of months, but now that I am cleared to do so, I have skied only a couple of times so far in the beautiful fluffy deep lake effect snow here. Also involved in a group called "Leanto Rescue", working on repairing, replacing, moving, and building traditional backwoods log shelters in the Adirondacks. Much of our heaviest work is done in the winter, over snow/icy trails and lakes, using pulk sleds to haul materials and logs to the sites. None of that keeps me from daily working out indoors on my paddling machine to get ready for the upcoming canoe racing season.
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I got a call from my daughter yesterday. She's competing in the Toboggan Championships again this year and asked me to attend....oh, and can I bring the wall tent and wood stove the kids really liked it (code words "can you babysit"..haha)
So I'll be set up along tent row at the bottom of the flume, cooking hot dogs, hot chocolate and keeping a close eye on the little guys while Team "Slap Shot" races.
I got a call from my daughter yesterday. She's competing in the Toboggan Championships again this year and asked me to attend....oh, and can I bring the wall tent and wood stove the kids really liked it (code words "can you babysit"..haha)
So I'll be set up along tent row at the bottom of the flume, cooking hot dogs, hot chocolate and keeping a close eye on the little guys while Team "Slap Shot" races.

I'm jealous. That looks like a whole lot of fun.
The event is a hoot.. We went a couple of times. Never raced though. The packers of the toboggans do a good job. Yes you are tucked and arranged.
I have a rule. When temps hover around 10f and below, I don't commit to the river. Since my hand injury, I have to be even more careful about that, because of poor circulation in my pinky and ring finger. Been doing some back country skiing though.
Might not be able to paddle on but I can still fish in it.


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That rule, BTW, was adopted after last year's New Year's river paddle at 10f. After action discussion touched on what a nutty idea it was.

Now you are talking... bunch of CT forum members have been at this sort of thing recently...