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How is the varnish “Epifanes” correctly pronounced?

Jul 6, 2021
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The Hereford Zone along the Mason-Dixon Line
I’ve always said “E-pif-ah-knees”, like an epiphany.

I’ve now also heard “eh-puh-FAWN-eeez” and “eh-puh-FAINZ”

The south Texas local’s amusement at my east-coaster pronunciation of Boquillas Canyon, “BO-quill-E-arse”, was hard to live down. I still don’t know where the hard “-E-“ came from.

Come again, “Bo-key-ess”?

Yeah, yeah, come on home with me and we’ll teach you how to pronounce Baltimore Maryland. “BalmerMurlun”, all one word, no spaces; just pretend you are mumbling through a mouth full of rocks with a tongue ring.

Next up, how to pronounce Esquif?

I’ve been told the last syllable should have rising inflection, and sound like a squeaky fart.
Eh-puh-Fainz.. AKA Ka Ching Ka Ching.

A hijack but just curious: your pronunciation of poutine.
eh-pi-FANES, I always thought, though I haven't spent the bucks to buy any!

OK, here's one... years ago I built a camp for a client on Caribou Lake, NW Piscataquis, ME. That's about 20-some miles south of the typical Allagash River start at Telos Lake. During the build we lodged at Pray's Cabins at Ripogenus Dam (the cabins served as the bunkhouses for the men who built the modern dam).

As I initially pronounced it...., rye-PAH-ge-nus. Sort of like 'hypotenuse'. The client quickly corrected me. It's rip-uh-GEN-us.
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Don't get me started - not "pooh-TEEN", "puts-IN"

And I've always said E-pih-fanes. I'm trying Flagship this go around.
You are marked if you try POO-TEEN! And don't get me started on lobster poutine. A perennial offering at fairs.

Locally Coos Canyon and the three Range Ponds mark folks as being from away.