• Happy Birthday, Simon Fraser (1776-1862)! 🧭🏞 4️⃣9️⃣

Happy Canada Day

May 28, 2014
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Ontario, Canada
I tried to post this earlier, but it wouldn't post for some reason...

I just wanted to wish all my fellow Canadian paddlers a Happy Canada Day!

We have such an awesome country that continues to impress, no matter where I go. For those who have the privilege of visiting for a period, glad you chose to join us here. Come back again!

Now, get out there and enjoy the outdoors

Thanks Mo. It's now past midnight, so the fireworks have tapered off. Being a national holiday, my wife and I were home from work today. Also being our wedding anniversary, my wife and I planned a day out. Paddling? Nope. Not this time. Cycling picnic. First things first, I fixed my wife's flat while she fixed the picnic hamper, and then we were off. It was a perfect day to celebrate so many things. The endless sky above, rolling farmland to the horizon, and a trail beckoning up ahead. We found the perfect spot to have our Canada Day/anniversary picnic. I picked some wild berries while M spread a blanket on the grass. We toasted ourselves and our country. A little wine and salad, and then a snooze in the shade. Just beyond an old fence was a pioneer cemetery, lichen encrusted stones leaning like they were slumbering in the shade. Next to the trail I read an historical display explaining how a quiet hidden graveyard came to be in that corner of farmland. It seems a pioneer from the States came to the area to set up a fur trading post, developed a lasting friendship with the local native chief (who named him honorary chief "Hawkeye"), married and settled down. Isaac and Mary Fairchild had 8 sons and 6 daughters, and a growing farm to call their own. They and their descendants now lie in that quiet corner, while their grandchildren's children flourish across this land. We toasted Isaac and Mary, and all those who've called this country home. We felt grounded somehow, paying respects to the past and with great hopes for the future.
Happy Canada Day, and in a few days, Happy July 4th to my neighbours and friends.