• Happy National Rocky Road Day! 🪨 🇪 🛣️🍨

Good to be back!

I'm really glad the site is back up too. I wanted to beat the crap out of that Rey guy.

We need a team of builders to construct the canoe that will haul a team across the Pacific to Indonesia.. Lets look at Beothuk designs. We need to carry heavy clubs too for the Beat the Crap phase
Many thanks to Doug.

Maybe some little teenager bored because schools closed, so he got on his daddy's computer to have a little fun. Who knows.?

BF, No it wasn't just this site. I posted on another thread that it was a fault in VBulletin which my IT guy told me about. It had nothing to do with anything posted here. This stuff happens daily around the world in our now techno world we live in. I've been asked why this happens. No good answer kinda like why do folks post things that get things rocking for no reason other than maybe it suits them to do so and that happens on many boards. Is it going to happen again? Stay tuned!

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"Concerning. Was the hack limited to the site?" nope there were thousands of sites hacked, even Revenue Canada got hit