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Gales of November Photography workshop

Sep 2, 2011
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Raymond, ME
Held at Rock Island Lodge on Lake Superior. Someone forgot to tell the gods it was November! For five days Superior was dead calm.. The temperatures were comfortable, there was no snow in the area (some in the woods). I had way choppier Superior travel in August!

We took photos in Michipicoten Harbor(Sandy Beach) and also the Sand River and Old Woman Bay ( I was not inspired there on land). The Sand was really pumping! No shooting from a canoe this time.

First of the batch.. We all got up in the dark and shot well before sunrise.

Went to breakfast and then out to shoot some more all day.. for two days!

Whose wood is the prettiest? Nature's driftwood or cut wood for the pile?

Now when you get a bunch of camera heads together its not unlike canoe heads getting together!

Two are shooting berries, two are talking about shooting berries, one is doing their own thing and the dog just lays down and says "I'm pretty".

Fall Foliage

Fall Foliage

This north shore of Superior is stunning even when the hardwoods have lost their leaves. The final burst of color comes from the tamaracks and red berries (mountain ash?)

and my favorite. Lots of us in the workshop laid down rubber to get off the road to photograph what we called "Drive By Shooting Pond"

Standing in the middle of the Sand River portage just east of 17

Standing in the middle of the Sand River portage just east of 17

River was a going !
Beautiful! Two comments: knowing the work that went into that big wood pile, it gets my vote for beautiful. Secondly, you really got it right about the tamarack. I often moan about the lack of red in the fall, but the golden goodness of tamarack really makes up for it. Tamarack loves to grow by little creeks and streams, and they can get huge too. Favourite fall time paddle is hitting those little creeks. Thanks for posting!
I like how the dog made itself at home. Sounds like a fun workshop. You certainly had some great opportunities.
That dawn sky is majestic. I can’t remember the last time I was up and outdoors so early. It goes to show what I’ve been missing. I love those Tamaracks. The forest looks gilt edged and ready for winter. Even when Superior is flat calm, she looks brooding. Thanks for sharing your photo workshop YellowC.
Now that’s a textbook sunrise! Every dawn should look like that. Beautiful. The silhouetted trees give it a Group of Seven view of the north country. I love it.
I thought that was the danger of Superior. It can look like that one moment and be a tyrant the next!
It's such a beautiful place. I took a kayak rolling lesson I the little bay by the boathouse earlier this summer, and the waves coming in off the lake were a frothy mess.
Yup, that's the place. So you live in ME, but you've been to Wawa a couple of times? I work with people who have lived in Sault Ste. Marie all their lives and haven't been to Wawa even once. I can't imagine living that close to Old Woman Bay and not going at least every few years, just to stare in awe.
Yup, that's the place. So you live in ME, but you've been to Wawa a couple of times? I work with people who have lived in Sault Ste. Marie all their lives and haven't been to Wawa even once. I can't imagine living that close to Old Woman Bay and not going at least every few years, just to stare in awe.

I'm not slamming anyone but I have been travelling that coast each year since 1967 a few years after the TransCanada Highway opened. Its way more than a couple of times. Its just who I am.

I grew up just outside New York City. From 1950-1967. Guess the year I first visited the Statute of Liberty? Yup. 1967. Familiarity breeds non visitation.