• Happy National Rocky Road Day! 🪨 🇪 🛣️🍨


Jun 12, 2012
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Appleton, Maine
I won't be needing my SPOT Gen 1 anymore so if anyone is interested I'll send it along. It requires a $174.99 yearly fee to use it so I'm not even sure this is a good deal anymore. I would ask that you activate it first with the numbers I would provide before I send it.

It worked fine for me on my trips to northern Ontario and it's a great safety feature for day trips around home.
That's a generous offer Robin. I hope your no longer needing it isn't due to any personal health issues. Regardless of the reason, you're a wonderful guy for putting this out there so thanks for making it available. Whoever gets it will be a lucky individual.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time....be well.

Yes, my health is the one of the reasons I'm giving away the SPOT, my leg strength and stamina are not what they should be to do any portages so I just don't need the device.

Another reason, I've been there, done that and I just don't want to leave my wife anymore.

The other reason is my counselor at the VA told me to volunteer somewhere, so I ended up helping at a horse rescue barn every Sunday for the last 4 months. It has helped build up my strength and give me some much needed piece of mind, and I couldn't believe how much I enjoy being around horses. So much that I adopted two wild mustang yearlings from the BLM. I spend 5 -6 hours a day with them everyday, gentling them to become good companions. I built two nice sheds for them and everyday is a new experience. I have not even given canoe work much thought I'm so busy, nor do I think about cancer much anymore.
Down the road I'll get back to my unfinished canoe projects, but I doubt I'll ever do any tripping again. But, please, don't hold me to that. And I still work at the rescue barn, I love those old horses there.

Sad to read your post Robin. Let me know if you feel someday you can handle a trip without portages. If ever you want a partner I'm available. LV can be inviting in August. I know how you feel about leaving the wife alone so often, same here. Take care my friend. I'll miss you.

Horses worked wonders with my step-daughter who has none verbal form of Tourettes. She's ridden for 10 years and is now managing the horse farm and licensed to give riding lessons.

Good luck Robin with the Horses
Robin, There must be some linkage between w/c canoes & horses ? I've had a bay gelding & a dappled grey mare for about fifteen years. But don't give up the canoeing , You can do both just not simultaneously.Looks like a good setup you've got there.Tip : Horses can be very cooperative for a few marshmallows.
Horses worked wonders with my step-daughter who has none verbal form of Tourettes. She's ridden for 10 years and is now managing the horse farm and licensed to give riding lessons.

Good luck Robin with the Horses

Thanks, these two are becoming like old friend real fast.

Thanks for the marshmallow tip, and thanks for the offer in the PM forest runes.
My father-in-law's horses were habituated to those little red/white peppermint hard candies. They always came a-runnin to get one.
Horses sure look like a nice way to spend your time. The wild mustangs and shed look right at home.
I appreciate all your traditional canoe videos and the motivation you've provided for folks like myself to get out and camp with canvas.
Still plenty of accessible paddling locations and campsites should you choose to get out and also B&B's right near the water.
My father-in-law's horses were habituated to those little red/white peppermint hard candies. They always came a-runnin to get one.

Ha! That's what I use, too. People think I'm the horse whisperer but I simply have a pouch of hard candies and they know it.

As an aside, one has not lived until one has been pulled along a mellow snowy trail in his/her canoe by horse. Good wintertime fun.

All the best to ya, Robin... critters included.
I shipped the SPOT to Erica today, she's going to Canada and it will come in handy. We go way back so I know it won't show up on eBay next week, not that anyone here would do that, I would have given it to anyone who was really interested in the end.
Thank you so much, Robin. It will carry on the tradition of wilderness tripping while reducing the stress on the family left home.
Well, Erica is out on her canoe trip to LaVerendrye in Quebec and she included my email address to her "I'm OK" messages. It's interesting following her as the message includes co-ordinates of her current locations which so far has been some areas I paddled thru a few years ago.