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Finally found a Kevlar canoe I can afford!

Nov 9, 2019
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Mad River Malecite in kevlar showed up on craigslist late last night, in Tucson. I called at 7am sharp this morning and arranged to see it at noon. It's nice, seller says he bought it new in Anchorage, many years ago. Hull is Turquoise and has the oiled wood trim. This one has the center solo seat, so three seats total. He threw in a heavy duty Old Town padded carry yoke that clamps on the gunwales, a cool old Sawyer paddle and two Bending Branches paddles. All of which will look good hanging on the wall. The canoe was stored indoors, so not faded, and very few scratches on the hull. It's a nice old boat, this one, ready to get on the water. I asked the seller how does it paddle? "Fast" he said, OK how does it handle? "Fast" he says again. Then he leans up close and says, "Everything it does, it does fast!" So as fast as I could I took it home for $450.
What a deal!! Good for you. Sounds like you will put the old girl back to use, doing the work she was made to do. Hope to hear some reports when you get her back in the water.
Sounds cool. I lived I Tucson for several years after college. No need for that canoe there, so I understand the need to sell. Especially if he has a domestic situation and wants to blow town like me.
I have 2 of them, F/G and Kevlar. I really like these hulls and yes they are fast even with a load. Once up to speed it takes very little effort to keep them going at speed. I will say though they aren't the best WW hull.
Nice find, I restored a beat up Kevlar Malecite a few years ago, replaced the rotted wood and fixed some cracks, it came out nice.
They get some pretty good reviews, I heard back from the new owner and he enjoyed it as a solo (only two seats) as well as a family canoe.
Nice find, great price too.
Thanks for the nice comments, everyone. Yes I am glad I got this canoe before someone else, did. I have now bought three good canoes from Tucson. Besides this one a Scott Prospector, and a Old Town Stillwater have followed me home. Both gone to new owners now. Too heavy for an old man!
Black Fly, you are right, not much need for a canoe in Tucson, there is no water there to float a boat. They have trouble finding water to drink, let alone water for recreation. Some miles south is a pretty little lake, Patagonia Lake. Not a big lake but has a very convoluted shore line so would be a good place to explore in a canoe.
I live in the Phoenix area, so we have the Salt River nearby with four large lakes to play on, plus the Verde River has at least one lake and sometimes two in wet years.