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Final Last Word!

Jul 25, 2012
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Shamelessly poaching on Rippy's post about weird tombstones, if you could, what would you like to appear on your own grave marker?

Planning ahead...

this is a bit too imminent and real. I won't have any gravestone.. I want to be scattered in various places.
My remains will be placed under a large stately stand of ponderosa pine trees. For an eptaph, something like "He wandered near and far, but was never lost."
My wife just lost her big sister a couple weeks ago, and we're still adjusting to this hole in our lives. At her funeral there were lots of tears of course, but there were many good stories too. That lightened everyone's hearts, just as her sunshine smile and infectious laughter used to do. What really has stuck with me since that grey day however, has been the music. Two of her favourite pieces of pop rock were played during the service that said more than anyone's words could ever do; and they were happy rock'n tunes that got everyone sing'n along. And now I can't get them outta my head. Morning, noon and night, those good times tunes are bouncing around my head and putting a jig in my step. It's given me pause for thought of compiling a collection of my favourite music for my wake. No sombre sad funereal reflection for my send off, but instead an old fashioned wake-party, full of stories (I needn't be in them) and music (they needn't be my choices) and food and drink. Hopefully family and friends will be strolling along for weeks and months to come, with a jig in their step and a really good tune stuck in their heads.
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"this is a bit too imminent and real. I won't have any gravestone.. I want to be scattered in various places"
Hang in there YC:) It ain't over 'til it's over, and I'm sure it's a long way off yet
I would like my wife and kids to chose to have it say "good father and husband" if they truly felt that way. Dave
Shamelessly poaching on Rippy's post about weird tombstones, if you could, what would you like to appear on your own grave marker?

Nothing, no tombstone. Cheapest possible cremation, ashes to be dumped in a place I loved to paddle.

On a serious note – how many of you have a Last Will that spells out those and other wishes? How many of you have pull-the-plug Advanced Directives?

There are legal forms available on-line what will fill those needs without a lawyer (although if you have a complex estate a lawyer would probably be advisable). In Maryland the Advanced Directive form is available from the Office of the Attorney General.
Man I would hate to be dropped on the floor..

I'd say such mean things to my husband
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A movie I really enjoyed put a thought into my troublemaker mind. The story was about a group of old friends who get together after years apart (due to arguments and such), and carry out a departed friend's final wishes. Throughout the movie they work out their personal conflicts, not with out some bruised egos and a black eye or two, and finally arrive at the destination for spreading the urn of ashes. After all predetermined arrangements are met, a particular month, day and time of day, they travel out of the sea harbour to a specific distance from shore to say farewell. Pointing the boat in the predetermined compass direction (their departed friend's wishes were very detailed) they gather round the stern and say their good byes. Opening up the urn, one fella tosses the ashes up to the sky...only to have the onshore wind blow it all back in their faces. Standing shocked with ashen faces, they suddenly realize their old buddy had just had one last laugh on them! :eek: :D
Brad You're leaving us hanging in post #4. What were the songs that spoke so well to the occasion?
Oh Rippy, don't feel in suspense. I already blabbed too much about something private. I just was trying to say that words and music can be powerful enough to emotionally move us, in ways and at times we don't expect. And a personal favourite piece of poetry, literature, film or song can give others insight into what makes that particular person tick. Maybe more than a headstone. Know what I mean?
One of my sisters died 4 years ago. The end of my eulogy might have been written on her urn:

She is born to the universe,
where we cannot go,
from which she cannot return.
Brad i read of your new diet in another thread. Your stone might read "He tried to quit coffee while dieting".
I have no worries that by the time you read this you will have cracked and amended your diet to include coffee.
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Well, you Guys seem to want to be serious. Not me!!! Now I'm not all that keen on a painful departure but I think it's going to be a hoot on the other side. I mean really, how many people do you see wanting refunds?

For my stone I'd like:

"Oldie Moldy, Mourned by loose women everywhere"

Naughty and don't give a whoop...

I've always hoped I'd just disappear someday... you know, go on a trip and die peacefully in my hammock some night... sorta go back to nature in pieces and chunks for the coyotes and wolves or whomever... Told my daughters that... one was mortified... the other (the woodsy one, who 'gets it') just said "ok... probably up on _____Lake, or that place in the Smokies, right?"

I'm entitled to a veteran's headstone though, and to just disappear would leave a hole that stayed empty... survivors need a place to mourn, and graves and funerals are for them, not the dead... I'd like to be cremated and placed in a certain veteran's cemetery in western NY state. I'd like a simple "Husband, Father, Soldier, Woodsman" on my headstone. That would do just fine. They offer a selection of religious symbols as well (traditionally the cross and star of david though they've recently added others.) Would love to have the "coexist" logo on mine... maybe by then it will be an option. If not, a simple cross, since that's kinda where my religious journey started.
I'm not so concerned about Head Stones, or my final resting place, I am concerned about what my sons do with the tools I collected. During the 90's I had the good fortune of collecting many old and valuable tools, from the dump. Many of them dropped off in bulk by descendants of woodworkers. After one of the best hauls I took my boys into the shop and told them that all these tool have worth, I don't care what you do with them, just don't take them to the dump.
I have a plan that as I decline I will give away the things that are meaningful to me, hopefully I'll find good homes for them. I will have the joy of giving and get to see the reaction of the receiver. I realize that things don't always go as planned.