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Exploring the Middle Branch Oswegatchie (Adirondacks)

Oct 5, 2012
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Genesee Valley, Western NY
I took four days to explore more of the Middle Branch Oswegatchie. I have traversed its route from the source at Walker Lake to the end of the Alder Bed Flow. This trip would concentrate on a section further downstream between the Jack-Works and Maple Hill. I was successful in reaching a point just south of the Great Corner, which leaves a two-mile section for a future adventure.

I haven't the knowledge of how to post photos to this forum. Since the demise of Picasa Web Albums I have lost the ability to share photo essays of my adventures. I'll be looking for something new and hope folks here may have insight. The thing I liked about Picasa, besides the fact that I knew how to use it, was the map feature where I could choose to share the location of a photo, captions were easy and I could edit anything at any time. I dread the challenge of learning new computer skills.

I can't say that I understand Facebook but I have a page and it may serve as a substitute until I learn something new.

Photos: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?f...type=3&theater
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I don'T seem to be able to access your Facebook page... Maybe you need to make that particular post "public".
Wonderful pics. The whole area looks quite isolated and pristine. Really liked the photo of the water flowing over those rust colored rocks.
Nice little adventure, which I really enjoyed, along with your always excellent photos...and I have a beer that I have now added to my 'must try' on a trip list. (first time I had read or seen a pic of the surveyors I-beams, hmn...)
The thing I liked about Picasa, besides the fact that I knew how to use it, was the map feature where I could choose to share the location of a photo, captions were easy and I could edit anything at any time.

Conk, with Facebook photos, in the large view, at the bottom of the photo you will notice an "options" category and can add locations to the photo there although not a map you could drop the XY coordinates in. Cumbersome I know but doable.
I haven't the knowledge of how to post photos to this forum. Since the demise of Picasa Web Albums I have lost the ability to share photo essays of my adventures. I'll be looking for something new and hope folks here may have insight.

I can't say that I understand Facebook but I have a page and it may serve as a substitute until I learn something new.

I did not know that Picasa was kaput. As a non-Facebookorian I’ll miss following along via your photo essays.

You might try Photobucket

That is what I use. I have never recovered (psychically or photo-album wise) from the demise of Community Webshots.

The guys who founded Webshots sold it to some greeting card company and the new owners folded it rather abruptly. I had some thousands of trip and shop photos there, all album organized and captioned, and the best recovery available was a disorganized file of photos sans captions or album segregation.

There is some adage about anything you put on line living forever. Um, not so.

According to Wiki Photobucket is the default photo sharing platform for Twitter, which I guess is reassuring for Photobucket staying around for a while.