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Epoxy Mishaps.

Aug 16, 2019
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Central Wisconsin - Stevens Point
In my haste to apply a seal coat to the inside of my canoe prior to fiberglassing, I mixed up the epoxy mixture. I am using Raka 900 epoxy with 350 Hardener.

It has now been several weeks since I rolled on the epoxy, and as you’ve guessed it, it has not hardened. It is about 95% dry to the touch. I tried to sand it out today, but it’s just gumming up.

Any advice on how to proceed?

Well that's a real stinker. I've had epoxy not cure a couple times but never on something that big. I've might had some success with wiping it it down with acetone to remove the sticky stuff, waiting a couple days, and then sanding.

I'd also try getting the hull as hot as I could so see if it will finally cure.

Or if you want to double down you could mix up a fresh batch and put it over the uncured batch in the hope they'll cure together. The gamble, of course, is that you'll end up with twice as much epoxy to remove if it doesn't work.

Jim, I used too much hardener. Should have been 2:1 epoxy. I used 2:1 hardener. But calling Raka is probably a good idea. I’m assuming they have seen this before. I mean I can’t be the only “bonehead” out there.

Alan, doubling down seems risky, but is probably my best option. If all else fails, I’t would be a good time to start a new build.

Anyways, Deer hunting starts this week so I’ll probably sit and ponder on it for a week or so.

A friend had put on a seal coat to the outside of his hull, in preparation to glassing, with my help the next day.

He failed to mix properly, and had a sticky mess, yet 18 hrs later. We hit it with Acetone, and rags. ( Wear very good Chemical masks) We used 3M cartridge.
Any way, I came back a week later. He had sanded it, and we glassed it. It came out fine.

Yes, on asking RAKA.

Wondering why you used the 900, instead of their 127 resin?

Good Luck ! With the canoe and Deer Hunting !

The Bucks are in the rut, and acting stupid , around here !

Not sure why I have the 900 epoxy. When I started the build, I bought West system epoxy, but only finished the outside before my project came to a stand still. In the mean time, I used up most of the epoxy I had on hand, so I ordered the Raka to finish the canoe. This was based on your recommendation of Raka from a year ago. Anyways, when I called Raka to order it, this is what (If I recall correctly) the salesman suggested. Said the medium viscosity doesn’t run as much. Seeing that I didn’t mix it correctly, I can not confirm if this is accurate.

Should I go with the 127 instead? I’m sure I could find another use for the 900 if this is the case.

Thanks for the input.
I've used 127, and the Non Blush 350 hardener. for years, with no problems. It wets out fine. I time my mixing a 9 oz batch. and 3 minutes works for me. I'm sure you could do it in less.

I've seen RAKA's description on the 900, and was also tempted.

But stuck with what I was used to .

Try a test with the 900, and see how it acts.

I'm sure the guy, I used to deal with (Larry) is retired by now, but he was helpful back in my early days..

Give RAKA a call and see if they can do anything for you, in the way of fixing your mess ?

Good Luck !

PS . How far are you from Spooner Wisc ?
The canoe Museum there has a nice looking shop there.

I’m about 2 hours from Spooner. I’ve been wanting to check out that museum for a few years now, but never made it up there. I would assume they are closed for the time being, but if they reopen I would really like to visit it.
I would try a test patch by adding a layer of the proper ratio of epoxy to hardener. You could even add a little less than the normal amount of hardener. Adding a new layer should bond to the old layer of sticky wrong ratio epoxy.