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Editing time for posts

Glenn MacGrady

Staff member
Oct 24, 2012
Reaction score
This is a minor matter, but I would prefer the time to allow post editing to be a lot longer before the the "Last edited by . . ." tagline appears.

Many here, for the information of current and future members, write longer posts such as trip reports, instructional help, lists or tables of data, labeled photo albums, essays, histories, rants and other opinion pieces. Mistakes and typos are inevitable, and I for one don't like them appearing in my work. So, I edit a lot. Sometimes I catch errors right away after posting, sometimes not until a day or so afterward.

But the editing "window" before the tagline appears seems to be less than two or even one minute. It's annoying, and serves no purpose to readers that I'm aware of.

I recommend the editing time before the "Last edited . . ." tagline appears be lengthened to at least 24 hours, or even unlimited, or until another post is made. Or, as a more complex compromise: 48 hours or until another post is made, whichever comes first.
I'm also a habitual spell checker and corrector. I think you can edit until someone else views the post without the edit message.

Edit: I also post almost exclusively from my phone so mistakes are bound to happen.
I use Grammarly, it helps with spelling and sentence structure. I paid for the Like button and Tap Talk after folks asked for it, neither are used very much.Since I have to ask for money to run the site I won't be paying an IT guy to make any more changes unless it's really needed.
I use Grammarly, it helps with spelling and sentence structure. I paid for the Like button and Tap Talk after folks asked for it, neither are used very much.Since I have to ask for money to run the site I won't be paying an IT guy to make any more changes unless it's really needed.

I've been alternating between Tapatalk and the web interface. It's been really useful when I'm away from my computer, so I'm very grateful to have it.

I also like the Like button and have been using that, as well.
Robin, this shouldn't cost any IP guy time or money. Google tells me this is a built-in function in vBulletin that can be changed by Admin controls via this menu:

Admin CP -> Settings -> Options -> Message Posting and Editing Options -> Time to Wait Before Starting to Display 'Last Edited by...'

This page says the default setting is 2 minutes before the "Last Edited by . . . " message appears. My tests confirm that you have the setting on the 2 minute default. All you would have to do to change the time would be to enter a different number of minutes. 1440 minutes would be 24 hours. 2880 minutes would be 48 hours.
Maybe it's not such a big deal and you should just let it go Glenn, I think Robin has spoken on the matter and no sense flogging a dead horse here. Besides the money issue it's his time issue and the guy has canoes to restore and adventures to go on. Enjoy what we have here.
Glenn, I feel that if a post is edited after someone views it, and especially after someone responds to it, we should know it. Changing the content of a post without the edit tag line can lead to confusion imo.

I think the last edited tag line is a good thing, it helps keep the site running smoothly in a small way. I like the way the site has been running smoothly, I'm not really into change and improvements no matter how small the effort. I'm not going to investigate whether some sites have this or that and some do not. I don't care, it's just a website and forum, and my job is to keep it running smoothly. Smoothly is a good thing.
That's it, the last edited tag line needs to stay.
One of the purposes of this sub-forum is stated to be: "Suggestions? Put them here!"

I believe Robin has adopted several suggestions over the years. I said in the first five words of my OP that this was a "minor matter", which I believe is easily adjusted. I did not suggest doing away with the tagline but simply lengthening the two minute time before it appears.

The suggestion wasn't adopted. No problem.
Wow. I'm glad I am in the Yukon where connectivity is rare.
I don't judge anyone on spelling cause mine on the phone is equally as bad
I don't use Tapatalk as it throws up unwanted ads
Jiminy Crickets all of you sound like IT wizards to me; you're stressing me out. I'm going paddling.
