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Canada 150

Jun 30, 2014
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So the 150th birthday celebration is coming up this weekend. There is a bunch of stuff going on in town. I am a little sad that I will miss that. But we have decided to celebrate in the most Canadian way we know of...a canoe trip. Nothing fancy or epic but in the spirit of the explorers like LaVerendrye or Hearn we are heading up the Maskwa River to do some mapping and clearing of ports.

This is a nice little river that winds through some crown land. Typical Shield country with about 15 ports and a lot of pool and drop terrain. My ulterior motive is that the river goes along for about 50km to Maskwa Lake, which is reasonably secluded. I plan to access it this fall during my 6 weeks off. Unless I end up at Marshall. You never know.

I am thinking this could be my new favourite old lady place. I have a couple of beginners who are looking to go with me so this may fit the bill. I can only imagine the amount of pictures that will be taken. It looks rainy the first couple of days so there will be some down time sipping tea and smoking under a tarp if I am right.

The only detractor from this event is we are using the Kevlar Mattawa. If you can imagine, we dont have a tandem WC canoe that is seaworthy yet.
Talk to you all next week.

Ha, we are also leaving town to go paddle, not really a canoe trip, more a base camp and day run on different section of the Lapie river 5hrs north east of our place! Class II III river with lots of fun play spots!!
We anticipated a thunderous rainout, with lightening and hail where we were headed, according to the weather forecast. Visited that site several times a day for a week in hopes somebody was wrong. Finally decided if we're gonna sit through rough weather it might as well be at home. Might make it out for a local paddle on the day. Have fun wherever you are!
For me, spending July 1st paddling your canoe is the ultimate way to celebrate Canada. A close second would be sipping tea and smoking under a tarp during a wash out. Enjoy your trip!
I'll literally be straddling the Canadian-US border over both our great countries' birthdays this weekend. I'll make sure to whistle a little "O Canada" for you on Saturday, Christy!
For me, spending July 1st paddling your canoe is the ultimate way to celebrate Canada.

Me too!
And we'll be celebrating by joining the Fort Edmonton Voyageur Brigade as they paddle the North Saskatchewan River through Edmonton tomorrow!

Bonne fete a tous!
