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Can I rant?

Mar 17, 2016
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WNY south of Buffalo (closer to Turtle than he rea
I live in ski country and we didn't have enough skiable snow until after New Years, and 95% of that was manmade snow . Ski season was short and with mediocre conditions at best. Frequent rain which is death on snow. My local ski area has been closed for a month.

Oh well, it's April so it must be paddling season? Not a chance!!! Canoes and camping gear are still in winter storage. Here I sit staring out the window at at 6" of new snow and it is flurrying again. Forecast for tonight is possible single digits. Long range forecast is cold and snow flurries thru 4/15. Glad I haven't summerized the snow blower!

Sure glad this forum gives me an outlet to RANT:mad:

Same here, never really had a snow cover for any length of time, I only had to plow a couple of times and that was for small amounts. This was the first time we had snow two days in a row since last winter (2014-15).

If this keeps up March will have been warmer than April.
Let er rip Grandpa. Somebody had to. Last month I was talking about planting fruit trees with my brother.
This morning I was shovelling my way out the door.
still skiing here . 24 inches. minus 6 at the summit of Wildcat. 1 at the base. F, Farmers are quite worried because prior warm weather led to buds on apple trees.
I shoveled more snow yesterday than I did all winter. It was only about 5" in the end but it's totally changed all outdoor plans. I was really looking forward to our first paddling trip. Now it looks to be on hold. The worst part about this snowfall is there's enough to create issues (especially with black ice for the morning commute) but not enough to really do anything with it. As much as I usually enjoy winter and love being out in the snow, I say it's time to move on.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

Spring came early here after a mild winter and then it got cold and snowy again. I thought about complaining but then I remembered it was still March, ice was off the lakes weeks ahead of schedule, and I'd already had the canoe out. As much as I dislike being teased by the weather overall I'll take it.

As I look out my window on my nice green grass covered with snow ,I reflect on what wild swings weve had in the weather seems as if the weather hasn't been right since they sent that sputnik up !
The missus performed her annual rite of not-quite-spring during a stretch of balmy weather last week. She relocated all of the big hanging houseplants to their outside hangers on the porches.

It was in the twenties last night.

Every year the plants go outside a couple of weeks too soon, nearly freeze to death and spend the summer recovering. Gotta be a hearty plant to survive that annual routine.
The missus performed her annual rite of not-quite-spring during a stretch of balmy weather last week. She relocated all of the big hanging houseplants to their outside hangers on the porches.

It was in the twenties last night.

Every year the plants go outside a couple of weeks too soon, nearly freeze to death and spend the summer recovering. Gotta be a hearty plant to survive that annual routine.

Now.. who moved them back inside? Inquiring minds want to know. Long ago I ditched the tradition of Easter Plants in favor of hiding white eggs in the snow for the grandkids.

Our anniversary is in in the winter.

Come Mother's Day, I collect all the IOU's. from Anniversary, Valentines Day, St Patty's Day and Easter. Then we go on long canoe trips and the plants die anyway at home...

I'm having a devil of a time planning planting of the wildflower seeds from my dear friends funeral. We need enough dirt to warrant a truck delivery. With frost going out of the ground town roads are not able to haul heavy loads till Memorial day. There is a ban on trucking and no dirt deliverer will risk getting caught.

The ban could be lifted earlier but we will be on an Out West Camping and canoeing trip in May,

Usually I don't care a whit about being a gardener but these seeds are important. Its from a canoe builder/teacher/wise thinker that taught me most of what I know about padding efficiency and boat design which has made some of you suffer or ignore!. And taught my husband about wood.
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The moccasin lace segment, the little WCHA canoe name pin, the favorite beer ( these were from the memorial life celebration)and the best I can do is fake flowers. Memories.
Makes me bring things into perspective for me. Maybe you too.

Thank God we are still alive to canoe trip. I miss him something awful, this gentle man who taught single blading to perfection yet never judged the others.


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Meet me at Montezuma Creek, UT 4/7 in the AM with your canoe rigged for Class III and chowed up for 13 days. I'll call Silas at the BLM river office and have him add you to my permit. He'll say 'right on bro' because we've done the Grand Canyon together haha

Problem solved :- )
Yellowcanoe there's a Mexican Hat to Sand Island launch available 5/11 right now. Thats a nice canyon run with some good off river hiking.

Call Jim at 435-672-2455 for your shuttle and leave a message, cell service over there is poor.

Another problem solved :- )
Can someone remind me again why I live in Iowa?

I think the 5mph wind is what I'm mostly jealous of.


My wife and I are from WY-MT and we REALLY like the weather in the White Mountains of AZ :- ) We have winter and snow but not too much-we have summer sunshine and warm but not too much. In late summer we get monsoon rains and sometimes it is too much haha with flash flooding and really muddy roads.

We do get wind, especially in the spring, it can blow 30 mph for two or three days straight. It's pretty warm right now, more seasonable is mid 60's/mid30's.

Weather for my 4/7 to 4/18 trip looks good, about mid week looks like some rain and wind for a few days, but that's pretty normal this time of year. Excellent weather for long off river hikes and that's what draws me to the San Juan year after year :- )

san jaun 042.JPG

san jaun 241.JPG
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My wife and I are from WY-MT and we REALLY like the weather in the White Mountains of AZ :- ) We have winter and snow but not too much-we have summer sunshine and warm but not too much.

The Whites Mountains are on my short list of dream locations for just the reasons you stated. The ability to adjust weather by changing altitude never ceases to amaze me. I'm rarely happier than when I leave Iowa in January and head for SE Arizona. Sunny and 65 degrees and I can go for long relaxing walks without speed walking to stay warm.

Enjoy your trip.
