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Burrows Lake Honeymoon Canoe Trip

Feb 1, 2013
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Geraldton, Ontario
Got away from it all with my new bride Irene. She wanted to go to Burrows Lake, about a 20 minute drive from our place. Burrows is a big lake, known for its excellent walleye fishing and also for its unpredictable winds. There are several good campsites on the lake, but the best is a point at a narrows, which receives wind from either direction, and keeps the bugs tolerable.

After much scrambling around, we got a late departure and were on the water around 3:00 PM. The weather was beautiful with light southwesterly winds. We were quite worried, because a car from Ohio was parked in the parking lot, and I figured they would be camping at the point. After an hour of paddling, we rounded the corner and sighed with relief. The site was empty. It was also quite clean, and someone had left us a big pile of firewood, so I didn’t even need the chainsaw.

The back of the site.

It was a gorgeous night, and it made me think upon all my good fortunes in life. Irene has taken a definite liking to canoeing, and is looking forward a real trip, where we travel each day to a new destination. She’s also a real Northern gal, who can clean fish, and insists that I bring a gun when we go out. None of those liberal anti-gun sentiments there. In fact, she bought the gun below for me for Christmas.

I started to think about all the benefits that have been brought to my life through the internet too. It’s weird, the internet can be a cesspit of corruption, but it can also be a community of friends. For instance, I was introduced to the BLR .308 above by a person on another canoe site. The hardware store in town happened to have one, and I ended up with it.

The axe sheath below was given to me in a spirit of friendship by our own Oldie Moldie, and I take pride carrying my axe around, wrapped up in such craftsmanship.

My Cooke Custom tarp came to me from Harlan, who I met long before he was Solotripping. I also bought a canoe off him last year.

The dry sack that I put around my guns when canoeing was sent to me by Yellowcanoe a few years ago, I traded her for a book about the history of chestnut canoes.

This was our first time using the Helinox chairs, which were given to us as a wedding present by a couple I met on another canoe site, and actually did a trip with. These chairs are very sweet, and very comfortable, and are now a permanent fixture for tripping.

The champagne was given to me by a buddy who I have taken on many canoe trips, and the cool metal cups were a gift from another couple who we introduced to canoeing this year.

Perhaps I’m growing maudlin, but I have a lot to be happy about. As the sun went down, and the moon went up, we both realized we were lucky to live in such a wild place.

The next day dawned cloudy, windy and rainy. We beat it down to the railroad bridge about 6 K away, and began catching walleye very quickly. Irene had a monster right up to the boat, but I couldn’t manage to grab it, and it slipped away. We kept three good size fish and decided to beat it back to camp, as the rain was coming in swells, and the wind was gusting around.

Once back at camp, we started the ultimate Honeymoon supper. First, fresh walleye, prepared in a ziplock.

Since there were no ports, we luxuriated with the coleman two burner.

The end product was one of the best meals I have ever had in my life. The salad, the fish and the beans, all washed down by a nice merlot.

Life is good. Cheers!

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Hello memaquay: Congrats with marriage!! Nice pictures. It's nice to see you camping with a gun. I didn't realize until today that you blog under RHaslam on the myccr website. I really enjoy those Outer's trip reports with the school kids.

Take care,
Cousin Pete
Memquay, It's sure true this electronic medium is a powerful tool, connecting us even though we all live so far apart. I'm the only guy I know who is so wrapped up in all these canoe related things; yet there is no need to feel alone, every morning (when not camping) I set down at the computer and there are all of my friends at canoetripping! Maybe I'm not such a nut after all, or at least there's more nuts like me somewhere!

You talk about pieces of gear and the stories that go with them, and it's true we all have something that's important to us because of this association or that one. But for all that we might value some physical object we know that it can be lost, worn out or misplaced. When you take the time and effort to share with us all your trip reports with the Outers kids and your work with them, you've allowed all of us to share in a wonderful thing and memory that will last so long as we have a brain cell or two that still functions. As a teacher to your Outers kids, I think of how far your efforts will spread, like ripples, to have a good effect beyond what anyone could ever guess.

I was tickled to see the tennis balls on the chair legs, I wonder who gets the chair with the pink balls? I'm looking forward to Irene's posts here, she might be able to convince other wives that there is something to this canoe camping beyond the bugs and discomfort. Rob, I really think you are setting in the catbird's seat and have the sense to know it!

I ought to say something nice about the canoe (it is beautiful) but it's pretty much eclipsed by your gal's sweet smile!

Best Wishes, Rob
Since I just had the pleasure of eating Pickerel 'round the campfire, washed down by some fine spirts, and a close encounter with a "northern" gal (in my mind:confused:), I can relate.

But your TR is really from the heart and I can relate to that also. You are a lucky couple, it shows in the smiles.

Now, about that book about the history of Chestnut canoes Yellowcanoe......
Holy Pink Balls! Ha Ha, my wife loves pink. Our little white maltese is decked out with pink ribbons on her head as I type. Great pics and trip report. I travel mostly solo now so my gear doesn't have the same kind of stories behind it. I just use it hard and maintain it so that I can recall it's scars at the campfire. If my wife would paddle, I'd build her a stripper painted pink on the outside, but it would definitely be a solo. Congratulations and Happy Paddling! Barry
Well dude one of the beautiful and pretty place especially for honey moon because every people have like that place especially tourists,I have spent a lot of time in this place So do you like that place dude???????????If any body wants to share any information about it then please share me dude????:):):):):):)