• Happy Insect Repellant Awareness Day! 🚫🦟🐜🪲🕷️👎🏻

Best Wishes

Jul 31, 2011
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Northern Wisconsin
I hope and pray that all my online friends from the northeast seaboard are safe and sound during this awful storm. You have my best wishes and prayers during this trying time. Let me know if there is anything I can do for you.
I think I am glad I did not paddle today.



It's all good. The boats are safe! Thank you for the reminder to check on my neighbor. And I hope Beavertail is OK too. But he is used to living without power! (His light and power company has less than stellar performance).

The good thing is when you canoe trip you learn some skills so you can do without conveniences. And with five camp stoves in any case I would have no excuse not to cook meals!
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I was just watching a Weather Channel video of what is happening on the coast. I am lucky to live upstate. We may still get 3" by tomorrow afternoon, hopefully less.
I am sitting here in Annapolis, Md where we just clocked a 58kt gust (that's 67mph!!!) No surge though as we are on the south side of the eye and winds were blowing water away from us. We haven't lost power yet. OOPS. Just had a 69kt gust..
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I am sitting here in Annapolis, Md where we just clocked a 58kt gust (that's 67mph!!!) No surge though as we are on the south side of the eye and winds were blowing water away from us. Web haven't lost power yet.

That to me does not seem surprising. We live on the west side of a moderate mountain. About a half a mile away to the east a cliff ascends 500'. The wind is mostly from the east at 35 -60 mph. But not at my house. I seem to be in a wind shadow. Its pretty calm out on the deck.. Some wind shift directions bring a noticeable breeze but not bad.

I think I have to go out with camera. The fog is amazing.

Once I had a wonderful opportunity to paddle in a gale..Or wicked storm. You choose.

You all know how you sense something is amiss when the wind is up at three AM? Some inner barometer told be to get up get packed and GO now. I was on the water an hour later and made a one mile crossing before six.

Then Nature unleashed something who blasted winds out of the west. By then I was on the west shore and paddled all the way up Lake Agnes in Quetico in a very narrow wind shadow (barely 30 feet wide). The opposite shore was in a fury with waves breaking way into the woods.

And on the 33 rd day God invented the standby generator. That is the Maine status symbol(maybe because no one has a pool). So far I have not needed the genny this storm. BUT...if a twig comes down in June due to nothing the power WILL go out.. and the genny will be needed for the well .

Anyone paddle today? Seems some folks went surfing and were issued citations near NYC... Moral if you want to paddle, make sure no one sees you.

They were surfing and Mayor Bloomburg blasted them for being "irresponsible". But they did not ask for rescue and were in no trouble. Where should the boundary be drawn?

Safe as the rest of the world sees us? Or safe as we all seek to be with skills?

This is a bit of a stretch as most of us would hunker in tents in a blow but:

Are we as canoe trippers seen to be something "at risk" that needs to be saved?
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At least one of our members is from New Jersey. I hope and pray that he and his family are OK.
Happy Halloween all,

North New Jersey (Greenwood Lake area) checking in.

If you were to believe the talking heads, we were to expect much worse. Downed trees and power outages - inconveniences to say the least but, hey, we're campers. A few homes with trees leaning on them, nothing too devastating. Seem luck was with us. Other parts of Joisey, not so much. I had to go to work today to get online and they're on generator.

There are pockets of power here and there though few and far between.

Listening to the scanner was entertaining. Mostly calls for CO alarms due to improper placement of generators ("No, you can't keep them at the foot of your bed because the extension cord only reaches that far." "The exhaust should point out of the garage, not in." And a few other gems.) Only a few honest calls for help (a stroke, house fire, and many tree and pole fires). Kudos to those on duty.

It will be some time to get this cleaned up and everyone reconnected. Some parts of the state will be even longer to get up and running. And the Joisey shore? Let's just say some people now have beach front property.

Currently my home is without power and water (well pump) but intact since Monday evening. The majority of neighbors are in the same position.

Thankfully it is as warm as it is. If this were a month or two in the future ...

Thank you for all of your kind thoughts and offers of help. Please keep them directed this way as this area is in dire need of them.


I had this great idea when we retired, lets sell the house in town and buy that old place out in the boonies...well, I love the boonies, and my wife does too now, but them old 150 year old sugar maples lining the road don't hold up well to the wind, been out of power since Monday and we are so rural that with only 3 house's on the road for miles we are at the end of the list for repairs....but, I cut and split and stacked next winters heat in the shed the last two days...all free along the road.

I'm at my sons for a shower and checkin' the computer, and a "cold beer" for a change...life is good.

Thanks for the thoughts.
Hello all,

Most of my neighborhood had power restored Monday (11/5) evening, though it may be temporary with the nor'easter due in later today.

I'm thankful for the opportunity to make a few repairs, stock up on water, and warm the house. I'm not sure how much longer we could've held out with temps well below freezing. Still a minor inconvenience compared to others. And we were lucky enough to fill both vehicles with gas for as long as that will last.

Kudos to the repair crews - I've seen them from Georgia, Ohio, Texas, and some even proudly flying the Maple Leaf. Thank you all.

Sadly some folks in New Jersey won't have a home to return to.