• Happy National Rocky Road Day! 🪨 🇪 🛣️🍨




Last weekend brought forth a short trip down the Beaverkill. Most of the distance I went was floatable, but I did have to get out and walk the canoe in spots. Couldn't think of a better way to spend a summer day.
The Beaverkill is a nice river, pics would be nice and where did you start/finish. A nice trip would be from Roscoe NY to the Delaware River down to NJ somewhere. Especially beautiful thru the Federal lands with nice campsites along the way.
I attempted to upload a picture last night but it did not work. We have a house in Cooks Falls so I put in behind the house and went maybe 3 or 4 miles downstream. Roscoe to the Delaware would be a nice one to do, water would have to be higher than it was. I just used a no-name 14 foot fiberglass that can take a beating. It is technically a tandem but I almost always paddle it solo.
Try using facebook (and linking an image based on url) or anyone of the other picture sharing sites i.e. picassa.