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Any good contemporary composite boat building books out there?

Jun 10, 2013
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I'm dusting off the boat building thinking cap after a many years of other distractions. Professionally I had a reasonable handle on boat yard epoxy work, but I haven't seen my 20 year old copy of the Gougeons manual in a while. I did note that there was a lot of cool new to me stuff going on with Hugh Horton's Bufflehead and some of the builds on this forum. Can any one recommend a book that covers the current state of the art for garage level projects? Thanks, Woody
In this day and age of composite canoe building, Things evolve so fast ! A Book would be outdated, before publishing !

I think you would be better served, searching the web.

This site has the most to offer that I have found !

The techniques even in something as materials-dated as early editions of Charlie Walbridge’s Boat Builders Manual are still relevant, and it is a classic. I believe my copy pre-dates any mention of vacuum bagging


Even the really old school stuff like Brosius and LeRoy’s Building and Repairing Canoes and Kayaks can be had cheap used. That one, circa 1978, is more of a trip down memory lane.


There are more project specific books, like Nick Scahade’s strip-built books with plans.

