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A weekend in Algonquin

Nice pics sturgeon. I didn't realize there were cottages in Algonquin until I saw your reports.
Thanks...Yeah, I was surprised the first time I went canoeing in the park last year. Most of the Access lakes along Highway 60, like Smoke, Canoe, Cache, Rock, and Opeongo have cottages that I guess were grandfathered into the park, along with a surprising number of children's camps. The "wilderness" type experience doesn't begin until after the first portage. Fine with me. From the number of overloaded cooler-chest-laden canoes I saw, it's probably lucky there are lots of eyes looking out for them on the first lake. I wonder how many folks in trouble get saved by watchful cottagers...
Well I hope to make it out there sometime soon... sans cooler ;)
The cottages always seem pretty quiet whenever I’ve paddled past. I guess all the rowdies are in the canoes! The kids’ camps however are busy places. I used to want to put some distance between us, but have been impressed when I’ve crossed paths with them. A couple years ago my wife and I were slipping and struggling at an awkward put in, while a girl’s camp were unloading for their portage. One of their gang bounded forward and insisted on offering me help. I was really touched by her youthful sincerity. We’ve crossed paths many times with various camp kids and scout troops in Algonquin, both American and Canadian, and we’ve always been impressed by their hard slogging and joyful determination. Last summer my brother, our sons and I enjoyed watching some girl camp leaders racing down a lake with billowing tarps for sails, and laughing all the way down the lake.
My impression has been that the scout and camp crowds treat the park with the respect it deserves, it’s the “wilderness wanna be cooler camping crowd” who may not. Likely many of them will learn how to, and that’s a good thing, but some simply choose not to. Don’t let small things get in the way of enjoying a beautiful park.
I hope you have many more APP trips to come. BTW Sturgeon, I know that T. Thompson site you chose, and it’s my target for an August trip with my brothers and our sons. It’s large and beautiful, with excellent swimming.
Take care.
Any short portage along the way, or even just a long walk from the parking lot to the put-in, seems to thin the herd somewhat. Nice pics. Sorry you fell in, but glad you were able to save what you had. I never get tired of looking at people's canoe trip pics.

If you know, how is the lay in your bridge hammock different from my lay in a Hennessy? I've seen 'em, just never laid in one.
Glad you enjoyed the pics!
re: falling in. The falling in was not a huge deal. As a soloist, I'm supercautious--ditch kit fanny pack, lifejacket on at all times in and even loading the canoe, loading with an onshore wind if possible so if i dump i blow back to shore, etc. In this case, a submerged tree caused the canoe to rock just as I was stepping in and pushing off. Capsize. Back in and paddling a minute later, grateful that the water hs warmed up so quickly only one month after iceout.

re : hammock I've never lain in a Hennessey, but I did have a Blackbird, which I'm told is similar, both being gathered end hammocks. The bridge hammock lay is flatter than the gathered end. I like it a lot better...in fact, I sold my Blackbird once I tried the Ridgerunner. Had knee hyperextension issues, as well as pressure on my heels in the gathered end. The only downside of the bridge is the need for a bigger tarp due to the width of the spreader bars.
thanks! good info. Hammock sounds interesting... I'll see if I can't find someone who's got a bridge hammock and try it out.
Check out hammockforums dot net under the section for outings. There you click on Southeast and you will find some folks in Louisiana who get together for group "hangs" so you can try out all kinds of different hammocks. Cheers.
yep... already a member (though not very active)... one of the LA hangs is where I actually got to see a bridge hammock... have to wait til it cools down some in the fall and we do another one to try it... thanks!