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TOOOOOO!!!! HOT in Nashville to get on the water

Aug 21, 2016
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Nashville Tennessee {Hermitage}
It,s been so hot this summer in middle tennessee the lake water is like bath water,very few boats out and one was me.
So I been inside getting my Fall trip Stuff ready, also made a bunch of knifes,got a nice edge on everything that needs to cut anything,been doing some leather work making covers for all and made three blanket harness.
Got the pack and found at home depot some screw on bucket tops and the five gallon buckets fit my pack basket perfect.
all i need now is some weather under 100 and some Dry air...I even got new wheels for my wheelchair that float,That sounds like a plan to me.
Do share some pics of the things you were talking about.
Then temps and humidity are big reasons why I don't go south. This year we had about three weeks 90° with the humidity near 70%, I just want to die. We have A/C in our bedrooms but that is it. Just thinking I was breaking out in a sweat.
I use Photobucket click on the img link, copy and then past in the text box. I never tried thumbnails. If you look in the 'site info' forum I think you will find more photo help.
If you are trying to post pics from your own PC, once you are in the reply box, all the header icons come up, look for the 5th box over from the right margin,click photo, then from the new box that pops up, click the upload box and then pick your shot from your own saved files (and size properly, that might be several tries)...Canoe Tripping is actually one of the easiest forums to post on that I participate in (I don't use my photobucket account enough to master it or control it properly). Or look for the HELP directions tab at the extreme bottom of the page.

And look for the camera icon in the dialog box and it will take you directly to your own PC saved files that you can choose from.. (man I made that too difficult by far!)
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We have been having 100+ feel like days since May down here in Florida. We will be getting a small break this week, too bad it is coming from TD9. The only thing keeping me sane is reading the great trip reports and canoe resortations projects.

Kayak_Ken (in a canoe).
We have been having 100+ feel like days since May down here in Florida. We will be getting a small break this week, too bad it is coming from TD9. The only thing keeping me sane is reading the great trip reports and canoe resortations projects.

This has been as brutal a summer as I can remember, without much of a break from excessive heat and humidity. A couple of day’s post-Hermine saw some relief, but that is now just a memory.

Worse, or at least as bad, it has been dry. WTF, warm air holds more moisture. . . . well dammit, where is it?

My local dam-fed homeriver has run at 1.5 feet all summer. The usual “canoe zero” mark is 1.8 feet and that involves some scraping and boat wading.

Reading things like “15 of the 16 hottest years on record are the last 15 years” and “Hottest July ever recorded” does not bode well. Nor do sundry “thousand year” events that keep happening.

I have already apologized to my sons “Sorry boys, but get used to it. This is the new normal”. If they were still in school they might not mind; local schools have been canceling class or dismissing at a half day for heat advisories.

I’m not ready to flee Maryland yet, but I wouldn’t move further south or anywhere along the waterfront coast.
90 in Portland now. Up to 7 90 or over days
These are invariably single days follows by a wind shift and entry to the freezer
Tomorrow will be no exception as the wind brings the ocean effect back with temps in the 60's for a high
But it will rain . We're desperatily dry. Leaf season otherwise will be a bust. We've got changes already in the foliage and that is bad
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Sounds like Louisiana...I've pretty much taken to staying indoors from May-September. Can't wait for the "winter"... I bow hunt, the season starts this weekend, and it's still normal for the temps to be in the high 80s until October... I'll be wearing shorts and a t-shirt under my leaf suit. The only thing that makes being outside tolerable is the chance of seeing deer, which peaks in the early morning and late evening, when it's not that hot. I HAVE to come out in the early mornings during the summer to move cameras and recover cards, but don't like it. I do almost all my brush trimming in March, risking the wasted effort (ie, no deer activity spotted around a given spot) to avoid doing the work later in the summer. I do the occasional half-day canoe trip as well, usually on a local stream 15 minutes away, leaving early and coming home in time for lunch... the way the sun is angled on that N/S flow, it's shadier too, but I still go through about a quart of water every hour...

The winter makes up for it though... I start getting comfortable with temps (for hunting early/late) by mid October (when gun season starts), and can go back to camping on the ground (vs hammock, for heat, bug, and snake protection) by November, and continue through April... 5 months isn't too bad. But by May, it's a struggle to get outside again during the squirrel season, and by the end of May, I stay inside again. I can also canoe all during that time (though hunting is my main activity from Sept through November), and you won't die if you fall in the water in January... not too scenic then, but still nice to be out on a clear dry day.

Two years ago, I aborted one day into a 4-day trip in the Adirondacks because the expected norm (high 40s for lows, and high 60s for highs) wasn't even close... it was in the mid 80s... I was horribly disappointed, but I just couldn't do it, physically.

Tried again on what turned out to be a bad overnighter (supposed to be Friday-Sunday) a couple weekends ago... paddled to a new spot on Toledo Bend Lake (hour away) with a couple friends. Humidity was indescribable. I came in by noon on Saturday, and it took two solid nights of good sleep to recover from the one bad night... horrible. I've learned. I'm no longer a spring chicken, I work in a building kept at low humidity and about 65* via A/C, and it's had a detrimental effect on my ability to deal with the heat and humidity.

Looking forward to October.