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Jan 31, 2013
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Middle of the Florida paddling paradise
While browsing Craigslist tonight a just listed and in almost show room floor shape Mad River Kevlar Explorer showed up. Not twenty minutes from my house. Heck most of my canoe purchases have been late night last minute three hour drives each way. So close by. Even has wood paddles. One of which is a bent shaft. $800.00 and it could be mine. Then the VOR(voice of reason) or better known as MDB(my darling bride} speaks up. Yes it is very nice but we all ready have a royalex Explorer. Then I started to look at the weight. only 12 pounds lighter than our Bell Northstar in fiberglass. Would have to sell a canoe to make room. VOR speaks up and says they are not making royalex any more. Ok so I am going to have to look past this one. But it is so pretty....

Keeping the hard won savings in place for a good shape used black gold Bell Northstar, used Swift Kewayden, or if the savings can grow enough a Northstar Polaris in Black Light. It is so hard when a good canoe comes up for sale around me to pass them up and the aforementioned canoes never come up for sale around this area. Yea I really mean that. Been looking on Craigslist and other sites for three years now. Would like to find a light weight canoe for when we are older. Only seen one Bell Northstar other than mine in the last three years in Florida. When sounding out the owner gently about selling the answer was basically If we could pry it out of his cold dead hands a hundred years after he died he might think of selling. Oh and by the way did we really want ours? Oh well the search goes on for a fast light weight touring canoe in central Florida. If we find one MDB's surf board is going to have to move off the canoe wall rack.

So how to you keep from buying or building pretty new canoe things?
So how to you keep from buying or building pretty new canoe things?

Yeah, so when someone figures this out please let me know. Stopped by the Red Wing Shoe store in Red Wing today looking for a new pair of boots for my camping trip up north next weekend. Well, I did find a pair and also some 15" neoprene boots that would work really good for spring and fall trips in cold water. Needless to say I ended up walking out with 2 pair of boots!
You've got more will power than I do.

For that price I'd buy it, paddle it, and if I didn't love it sell it for a profit.

I'm with Alan, buy it, paddle it.... At that price you can' really go wrong!!
I stopped buying canoes when I ran out of room. Bells, Daggers, Mad River, and Stewart River. Space is the only reason I stopped.


So how to you keep from buying or building pretty new canoe things?

I really don’t “need” another canoe, but I do enjoy resurrecting old beat up boats. My method to keep from adding to the fleet is to put a limit on what I am will to spend. A kind of absurd limit, $200 +/-.

That doesn’t always help; the decked Optima and Kamerad both came in around that price, and in the past couple of years I’ve missed two used Monarchs and a Sawyer Loon in that range.

It does help that I haven’t seen an open canoe rebuild project on Craigslist in that price range in several years. I’m still looking for a lightweight composite rebuild with rotted gunwales.
What a dilemma. Sort of like the Robert Frost poem, "The Road Not Taken". Now, if you don't pull the trigger on that deal, you will kick your self later on for passing on a steal of a deal. If you do empty "the sock" you may worry that your dream boat will show up on CL and not have the mad money available.

I have a Kevlar / Spectra NC Pal that is my go to boat. If I came across a deal on a Rx Pal I would have buy it just because. Note to self, Don't window shop on CL.
Mihun09 the problem is I can afford it and resell later when need cash for different canoe. Mike McCrea to quote you "I’m still looking for a lightweight composite rebuild with rotted gunwales. " That's what I am supposed to be looking for and how my Wildfires and royalex Explorer came to me. :rolleyes: As others have said stop buying when you run out of room. Well I am out of room....and can not afford to build another building so to start and end with Mihun09's advice "if you cannot afford it, don't buy it." Not only must you be able to have the purchase price you need to feed and house. Sort of like a puppy. Well have to go load up a Wildfire and exercise it now.:D
I don't need another canoe. I don't need outdoor gear. Oops we pulling into BMO after successfully resisting the Harrisburg Outdoor Show
They might have a Yellostone Solo in my dreams
All the canoe roles we have to fill are filled but I would love to have a replacement for the Argosy. I get some YS almost just a minute too late

Oh the magnet of a Paddlesports store. The truck veers right into the lot. We need nothing
That is why I didn't start making canoes... I don't think I could stop and then what?
I'm with you yc, never need anything, but always have to have a look!!
Lol. Hubby does buying. He needs a new knife and reminds me of the trunk stink of booties. Mirazyme. Insect repellent sunscreen. Escape fifty dollars poorer. The two boats on the car preclude temptation and the current sale
I think the pertinent question is: "When do become more of a collector than a paddler?"
I don't need another canoe. I don't need outdoor gear. Oops we pulling into BMO after successfully resisting the Harrisburg Outdoor Show

Lol. Hubby does buying. He needs a new knife and reminds me of the trunk stink of booties. Mirazyme. Insect repellent sunscreen. Escape fifty dollars poorer. The two boats on the car preclude temptation and the current sale

You managed to escape BMO only $50 lighter than when you entered? That shows serious restraint.

I can drop that on outfitting parts and pieces at BMO.
When you quit paddling them regularly.

Yep. I have a Curtis Nomad . When I got it it was mint . Now it is not mint but Paul's mint green carbon fiber Nomad is sexy and sleek. Does it make sense to buy another Nomad when we know what I will do to it while the original sits in the barn ? That's how I resist....sometimes
Ps the Nomad on the roof is covered in grime and salt. It's running south!
When you quit paddling them regularly.


Which is why I sold the Canadian last year, it sat collecting dust for over a year, having never seen the water after the restoration was completed. I see no reason to have boats that are not going to get used.
There may be. If they were built by a dead craftsman who was a friend or if they are of historic interest
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Which is why I sold the Canadian last year, it sat collecting dust for over a year, having never seen the water after the restoration was completed. I see no reason to have boats that are not going to get used.

All I can say is good call on the Canadian! We've spent lots of time on the water.
Clfcanoe - how about I try to make this harder for you? At some point, you aren't going to want to lift that rx Explorer much. You will need that kev Explorer. Myself - if I ever run across a Blue Steel Prospector, my faithful rx Prospector will be out the door. :D

I know what you mean about temptation. Also a good thing I am out of room. But if they are pretty enough, I can hang them from the sun room ceiling, right? That's my motivation for building a solo canoe when I get around to it.