• Happy National Rocky Road Day! 🪨 🇪 🛣️🍨

USA Canada Border still closed.

Hopefully that will be the end and I can spend July in YT. I usually go to YT to escape the hoards of tourists in Alaska but we won't see many of those this year.
Hopefully that will be the end and I can spend July in YT. I usually go to YT to escape the hoards of tourists in Alaska but we won't see many of those this year.

But aren't they pretty well confined to a few places that are served by cruise ships etc? We spent summer 2017 and 2012 in YT and AK and found that the hordes were pretty much driven in packs and pretty much limited in roaming. We found AK State Parks blessedly underused and RV parks of course over used. Git rid of the froo froo electric and water and they are gone. $11,000 some paid to be in a motorcoach caravan! We came from further afield and spent a third of that total.

Of course being at one end of the AK hiway means hordes stopping in for a picture by the mosquitos. Great little farmers market too!
You are correct in that the cruise ships disgorge huge quantities of tourists.......3 tourists for each Alaska resident but the more mobile tourists saturate any fishing area that is road accessible. The interior where I live does not get the number of tourists that the Kenai Peninsula gets except perhaps Denali. I find YT rivers and lakes to be much friendlier water for canoeing and fishing.
With this Covid issue, I would guess that YT won't get the flights of German tourists that they usually get.
Well I don't want to be the bad guy in here, but I really hope they keep the border close and the restriction for the yukon alive!! American traveling through the Yukon in transit to Alaska are not supposed to leave the Alaska Highway and not supposed to enter down town Whitehorse and or stop in any communities unless they really need too... but lots of them don't give a crap and don't respect the directives, even some fancy short trips on the yukon river, on a busy long weekend where yukoners try to spent time away from people.....
If they can keep the border close for as long as there is a risk, I'm happy with that!!
You are correct in that the cruise ships disgorge huge quantities of tourists.......3 tourists for each Alaska resident but the more mobile tourists saturate any fishing area that is road accessible. The interior where I live does not get the number of tourists that the Kenai Peninsula gets except perhaps Denali. I find YT rivers and lakes to be much friendlier water for canoeing and fishing.
With this Covid issue, I would guess that YT won't get the flights of German tourists that they usually get.

Condor has canceled there flights to Whitehorse for this year!
Hopefully that will be the end and I can spend July in YT. I usually go to YT to escape the hoards of tourists in Alaska but we won't see many of those this year.

We are (were) planning a trip to the Yukon, starting July 17. We've been holding our collective breaths to see if we will be allowed to go. So Vern, if you hear anything about the border between the US and Yukon, please post it.

We were going to ship our gear up there ahead of time, but there's not point in sending up the gear if we can't go. Plus our understanding is there are great delays at customs and when packages might arrive is questionable.So we'll have to figure out how to get it all on the plane.

We are monitoring the yukon covid page.
Well I don't want to be the bad guy in here, but I really hope they keep the border close and the restriction for the yukon alive!! American traveling through the Yukon in transit to Alaska are not supposed to leave the Alaska Highway and not supposed to enter down town Whitehorse and or stop in any communities unless they really need too... but lots of them don't give a crap and don't respect the directives, even some fancy short trips on the yukon river, on a busy long weekend where yukoners try to spent time away from people.....
If they can keep the border close for as long as there is a risk, I'm happy with that!!

Totally get it. We have very little virus here and people from out of state are supposed to self quarantine and they are not. Today in the supermarket I encountered three families from other New England States that were gathering groceries before arriving at their Maine destination. Fortunately the store employees were adamant about wearing masks but the families said to mind our own business. We have not had much virus here and now are literally feeling boxed in as the entitled run toward us. We share very little border with a State but a whole lot of border with Canada and those that don't give a dam to follow the rules are aggravating us.

Fortunately no cruise ships this year.

I understand the need for tourism as we depend on it too but along with it should come responsible behavior. If we don't behave properly and act like toddlers we should be treated as toddlers.