• Happy Birthday, Fredric Remington (1861-1909)! 🎨🖌️🖼️

Photo of the day

Snuck out for another overnight on Friday. Nice living a 30 minute paddle to one of the CRPT campsites. About 930pm, well after my bed time and well after dark, a group of scouts showed up, startling the heck out of me. Five highschoolers and a scout master. Chatted with them some in the AM -- canoeing seems to be one of their regular things. Good to see them in boats, and made for a nice early morning photo op.

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Yesterday morning on the Lake of Thoune, Switzerland. The clouds on the mountain peaks announce stronger wind, we call it "föhn" (the foehn or föhn wind is a warm, dry downdraft that often occurs on the side facing away from the wind direction, the lee side, of larger mountain ranges).
Autumn has begun with snow in higher elevations...
IMG_2037 Kopie.JPG
...but still few autumn colors on trees and bushes...
Sure enough, after the last photo was taken, the wind picked up and I was busy keeping the canoe upright while paddling back.