• Happy May Ray Day! 🌞😎🌻🩳🇩

Lows Lake 9/5,6,7/2014

Wish i could... but I'm headed up the week after Columbus Day... probably be cooler and foliage might be down already, but that's what I have for vacation this year.
It was hot on Friday on the way in, rain most of the day Saturday starting 5 am (mad dash from hammock to tent) and some overnight into Sunday, none of the possible thunder and lighting though. Cooler Sunday, supposed to be mid 30s Sunday night. A nice paddle out. Anyway I didn't get to paddle all around the lake so I am still hoping to meet up for the after Columbus day trek. Site 21 was OK, 20 is nicer and more sheltered.
I liked 20 quite a bit. First time out? What did you think?
Yes first time there, Very nice lake and scenery. Unfortunately I got a later start than anticipated so I didn't stop to enjoy the view on the way out. I spent some time on the way back, both nice days. I forgot my tarp and stopped at a conveience store in Long Lake to but some plastic ones, then I stopped at Raquette River Outfitters to see if they had any good ones. I rented a nice Crazy Creek which fit the bill. The girl was very informative on Lows, the owners spend a lot of time there and published their own map and guide, they even describe each site. Unfortunately she didn't give this information until I returned the tarp :( . I bought the map and will use it the next time:). Raquette River Outfitters have a location in Tupper Lake and a website if you are interested in the map.
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