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Bungee cord, clips, attachments and dookickies



For starters, before clips and attachments, it is worth buying good quality bungee cord. Woven sheath bungee seems to have better UV resistance, knots better and lasts longer.

Some of the bungee cord on the Sockeye dates as far back to the original soloization, and there are various bits and pieces of bungee, held by various attachments, serving different purposes. The stupid idea deck bungee was a stretch-worn gonner, untrustworthy when new and now removed, never to be replaced.

The paddle-keep bungee vee’s are still sound; I likely replaced those some years ago, there isn’t a lot of tension on those, even when stretched over a paddle shaft. The bungee on the utility thwart is woven sheath with reflective tracer, definitely later model bungee cord, likewise little stretched in miscellanea keepage and still like new.

P8130010 by Mike McCrea, on Flickr

Those paddle keep vees are knotted on each side below a strap eye, and stretch around the paddle shaft and over a lashing hook. I always have both a single and a double, and in decked canoes that arrangement makes for a perfect instant-grab spare at the ready. And a place to securely stash the primary stick when landing and wanting both hands free.

Strap Eyes

Lashing Hook

Both of those wee outfitting bits are handy as heck, even in open canoe outfitting.

The bungee holding the Feathercraft rudder retraction cord taut was worn clear down to the sheath. Not the best bungee cord when it was installed.

P8130014 by Mike McCrea, on Flickr

9 inches of new bungee, new hook and new cord lock will fix that.

P8140017 by Mike McCrea, on Flickr

I am generally not a fan of those closed (or open) bungee cord hooks, they are essentially un-reusable, but in some few applications they remain the best solution.


That cord lock is an uber-strong beefy thing, a gift from Conk. Perhaps overkill in that application, but I want to order me some more.

P8140018 by Mike McCrea, on Flickr

The 5” lengths of bungee that pull the rudder controls evenly forward in place, with feet off the pedals, were originally installed using a cheesy cord lock, That very important bungee cord is still in always-shaded decent condition, but the cheesy cord lock tensioners have bit the dust. The droopy, stuck-cord lock bungee ain’t doing squat.

The bungee and fittings are all good, just needs two new cord locks. (Thanks again Conk)

P8130013 by Mike McCrea, on Flickr

Those rudder pedal straightening bungees runs through a cable clamp, with the cord lock tensioner on the back side. Excuse my black dandruff, that is flakes of loose spray paint debris I spraped and sanded off. %$@# spray paint.

On to the next boat. My shop bungee supply could use some new stuff. Anyone have a recommendation for high quality UV resistant bungee cord?

Woven sheath or reflective tracer a plus.
Many of my gizmos come from
Not sure how many of his offerings meet beefy boat builder specifications but he has six pages of plastic hardware doohickeys, everything from Beastee Dees to mitten hooks. He seems dedicated to helping folks who want to do it themselves. I see he has both reflective and glow-in-the-dark bungee cord.
Another plus, he is not far from Freeland, you could use carrier pigeon delivery.
I have at least four tarps to outfit, A 20' Kelty Noah's tarp, a 16' Noah's tarp and a 12" Mountainsmith Mountain Shade Tarp are new. All were bought this winter on closeout for the two Kelty tarps (less than $100 delivered for both off Amazon) as they were "last year's" green color and the Mountainsmith tarp which is a kind of burnt orange/bronze color was a whopping $27 on a "Flash Sale". I should have bought a couple more of the MS tarps as it is a great size for a large hammock tarp. And I have an older 12x16 tarp that has 550 cord lines that are showing their age.

The MS tarp has yellow reflective cords with slide adjusters on all six corners. The Keltys have four corners with lime green non-reflective cords that have slide adjusters. The ridge corners set diagonally from each other with a full length seam between them have two cords each and the other two corners have one cord each. Each corner has a nicely reinforced corner stowage pocket that has a hook and loop closure that is large enough to stow additional prusik loops.

I want to use the Scotty 590 snap hooks Mike shared with us a while back paired with prusik loops to ridge lines to to have a lot of flexibility in rigging them.


I have a couple 100 yard spools of 2mm non-reflective climbing accessory and a spool of 3mm reflective climbing rated accessory cord from Bluewater Ropes for the smaller cord needs. And I need to find some heavier cord, preferably reflective but at least in a bright color for ridge lines. I'm not a fan of fussing with small lines especially untying them when wet so I'm thinking of something 5mm or maybe even 6mm and I would prefer polyester for UV resistance and its lack of stretching/shrinking as it gets wet and dries. Any reasonably priced suggestions would be appreciated.

Now back to the Scotty 590 snap hooks. They sell for around $1.50 USD each and I need a bunch of them so I think I'll just buy a bucket of 100 for around $100. My sons may want the balance but if not is anyone interested in some of them for what I'll have in them?

Best regards to all,

Those Scotty 590 snap hooks are great in tarp rigging, provided you aren’t aiming for small and ultra-light. Oversized for any canoe outfitting though.

I’m a fan of having a couple tarp clips, just in case.


My local hardware store carries those tarp clips.