• Happy Launch of Lewis & Clark Expedition (1804)! 🧭🏞🏞️

Search results

  1. Brasenia

    Crossing the Canada-US Border in a Canoe

    Hi, All. I'm looking at a trip for next season that may involve crossing the US Canada border on a remote wilderness body of water. Has anyone else done this, and if so, what was your experience? I'm wondering about everything from an international shuttle to making sure a drone doesn't send...
  2. Brasenia

    Cooper Pond - The Hard Way (North Maine Woods)

    I love John McPhee, but I generally disagree with the above quotation, as do many of my fellow canoeists in Maine and up into Canada. We know from firsthand experience that a canoe is often the most efficient way of moving through parts of the backcountry, but on my most recent trip, a canoe was...
  3. Brasenia

    Mad River Quest (Royalex)

    I'm considering trading an OT Pack 12 (I have two of them) for a Mad River Quest, which I would rig as a solo boat. My thinking is that the Quest would be a fun solo boat for early season rivers and streams in the North Maine Woods. I know it's not a tripping boat as a tandem, but as a solo, I...
  4. Brasenia

    MAINE - Third and Fourth Roach

    We're looking to explore some new-to-us water, and the Trout Pond-Fourth Roach-Third Roach trip is on the list for a two-nighter in September. Any feedback on that area, campsites, etc.? We're assuming the Roach between Third and Second Roach will be too low to paddle in September (and many...
  5. Brasenia

    Pin Kit

    If you carry a pin kit, I'd love to know what's in it. I'm putting together a new pin kit for an upcoming trip. Thanks in advance.
  6. Brasenia

    Dagger Dimension

    Hi, All. I'm considering purchasing a Royalex Dagger Dimension in really great shape, and I was hoping you might help me decide if I should pull the trigger. I know next to nothing about this boat. I'm a former ww kayaker (some 20 years ago) and a current canoe tripper comfortable with swift...
  7. Brasenia

    Last Trip of the Season in Maine

    Here's a short film about what will probably be my last canoe trip of the year (besides day trips) here in Maine. It was a three-day, two-night trip to an area south of Katahdin that was new to me. The trip didn't go quite as planned due to extremely low water, but it was a fantastic outing...
  8. Brasenia

    Voltaic Solar Systems

    Hey, Guys. I'm contemplating switching from my Goal Zero solar system to a Voltaic solar system. Does anyone have any experience with the latter? They pretty slick for wet conditions! Thanks in advance.
  9. Brasenia

    "Light" Three-Season Hammock?

    I'm a tent guy, but I'm contemplating a hammock for some upcoming solo trips that are lacking in easily tent-able campsites. When I do the math, however, all these hammocks seem to be heavier than a lightweight three-season tent once you consider the fly, "required" pads, netting, stakes, poles...
  10. Brasenia

    Maine River Trip: Depot Stream to Big Black River

    Has anyone paddled Depot Stream to Big Black River in Maine? Maybe putting in at Depot Lake and taking out at the St. Johns? Thanks!
  11. Brasenia

    Jo-Mary Lakes, Maine - October 2020 Solo Trip Report

    I just returned from a short (3-day/2-night) solo trip to Maine's Jo-Mary Lakes, which are located south of Katahdin. Thanks in advance to BobMills for providing some info on the trip. I took my new-to-me Old Town Pack 12, and while the trip did not go as planned, it was still a great trip. The...
  12. Brasenia

    Solo Tripping in an OT Pack 12

    Hi, All. Before I begin, I will say that I've done my homework, and I know people are split over whether you can/should solo trip in the OT Pack or not....so I'm hoping to avoid regurgitating that "discussion" here. :-) For better or for worse, I recently came into possession of an OT Pack, and...
  13. Brasenia

    MAINE: Pushineere -> Deboullie -> Gardner Ponds

    Has anyone spent any time up around Deboullie pond in northern Maine? We're thinking about heading up there in September. Thanks in advance.
  14. Brasenia

    Debsconeag Lake, Maine

    We had a rare few days where our schedules synced, and we wanted to fit in an end-of-season trip. We decided on Densconeag because it's relatively close and we'd been there before so we could really maximize our time given that we only had two nights and three days. We arrived at Omaha Beach...
  15. Brasenia

    Royalex Refurb

    We have a 16' (~34.25" at the carrying yoke) Royalex "tripper" canoe from L.L. Bean. It has wood gunwales, thwarts and seats. The age is unknown--we are at least the third owner. We got it last year on the cheap off Craigs List, and after a couple good trips in it, we've decided we want to...
  16. Brasenia

    Scraggly Lake (North), Maine - Trip Report

    We recently returned from a three night trip to Scraggly Lake in Maine. This is the northern Scraggly Lake, which is just north of Baxter State Park. We had several itineraries planned, and the biggest factors influencing our decision to head to Scraggly in early September were 1) low water...