• Happy Birthday, Simon Fraser (1776-1862)! 🧭🏞 4️⃣9️⃣

Recent content by Danny

  1. Danny

    1972 Old Town Chipewyan 18'

    The Chipewyan 18 transformed into the Voyager around 1980, Old Town added another inch of depth to the center of the Voyager all the other dimensions are the same.
  2. Danny

    Poll: What do you sleep on mostly when canoe camping?

    I use a hammock with the top quilt and and under quilt sometimes I double up on the under quill.. when I take two Advil PM and all is good till morning
  3. Danny

    Preferred tripping style ?

    I generally go solo all by myself ...enjoy tandem with my son On the last couple of trips. I use see-through plastic laundry dry bags from Dollar Tree.