• Happy National Rocky Road Day! 🪨 🇪 🛣️🍨

Hello there!



Hi. I just joined this forum the other day and have been lurking around a bit.

My wife got me into canoeing about 6 years ago and I bought my first serious tripping canoe last year. I now own a Golden clear coat Swift Keewaydin 16 footer in a Kevlar Fusion layup. I really love this boat - it makes me want to go out and paddle.

Our main paddle destinations are usually in the Adirondacks although we do hit some places in the Western Finger Lakes like Hemlock or Canadice Lakes, mainly because they are close to home. I grew up in the Finger Lakes and still live in the area.

We have two 4 day canoe trips planned this year, both in the Adirondacks. We are slowly trying to do more canoe tripping now that we have a proper boat for portaging although we do our share of backpacking and car camping.

Next year we may try to do some trips out of New York state - top on my list are Killarney and Algonquin Provincial Parks. Killarney is a bit farther from home but is more appealing to me.

Non-paddle related we would also like to get out to Yellowstone/Grand Tetons and Zion sometime in the next few years, most likely for backpack trips.

We are mostly interested in flat water paddling but that is really only due to our current boat and skill. Maybe someday we will get a royalex hull and try some river tripping as well.
Welcome.. and if Killarney is on your bucket list, reservations are required. Oh you can go without them but its unlikely you will get a campsite! Five months from your planned start date, get on the phone.

Algonquin is a little more relaxed unless you want to use popular entry points on weekends in the high summer. Its virtually a ghost place before school is out and after Labor Day.
Well I'm glad I didn't plan Killarney for this year!

I don't have a bucket list per se... just random impulses and ideas that when occur frequently or with enough intensity sometimes come to fruition. That might sound insane but I say having a list to complete before you kick the bucket is. I can't plan that far ahead, nor can I say I will be here tomorrow or what may even interest me tomorrow!
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Yes but a bucket list is hope. I know my bucket is too full to carry at my age...but I hope to stick around a while.
Hello from Louisiana by way of Syracuse and my former college, the SUNY school nearest you!
Hello l’oiseau, and welcome. Nothing wrong with lists, I’m changing mine all the time. I add destinations and others slide down the list. Every few days, especially after I read someone’s trip report, or watch a TV travel show, I’ll say to my wife “I’ve changed my mind”, and she knows that the list has changed again. No worries.
ADK is still on our list for this year, and I know we’ll love it. I hope you make it to my Ontario, and love it too.
Hello l'oiseau and welcome from Ontario, Canada.
As has been mentioned, one must book waaaay in advance to get into Killarney, but you won't have any difficulty booking trips for Alqonquin even though the paddling season is now in full swing.
Happy paddling,
- Martin
Thanks everyone!

I have lists. But none too firm. I like to be flexible but I don't mind booking something like Killarney in advance. I may try that next year.
welcome! Sounds like we are right around the corner from each other. I, too, spend most of my time in the adks and the finger lakes region.
Thank you. I know we've crossed at the ADK forum as well. Do you ever think about getting up to Canada to do some canoe tripping? Algonquin isn't all that far from us. My postman, who seems to be my main tripping motivator, goes quite often and gets me all excited. He goes to the ADKs as well but he seems to like the Canadian parks a lot.